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- Letters of Administration Typed Abstracts, index 1,2,3
- Letters of Administration Typed Abstracts, 1,2,3 1752-1784
- Letters of Administration Typed Abstracts, index 4,5
- Letters of Administration Typed Abstracts, 4,5 1785-1799
- Letters of Administration Typed Abstracts, index 6,7,8
- Letters of Administration Typed Abstracts, 6,7,8 1800-1822
I think it's easier to just use the indices in each volume instead of decoding the goofy index above, but you'll need to use that for > 1829.
- Letters of Administration, Vol 1, 1752-1760 (index at end)
- Letters of Administration, Vol 2, 1760-1768 (index at end)
- Letters of Administration, Vol 3, 1768-1785 (index at end)
- Letters of Administration, Vol 4, 1785-1793 (index at end)
- Letters of Administration, Vol 5, 1794-1800 (index at start and end)
- Letters of Administration, Vol 6, 1800-1807 (index at end)
- Letters of Administration, Vol 7, 1807-1815
- Letters of Administration, Vol 8, 1815-1822 (index at end)
- Letters of Administration, Vol 9, 1822-1826 (index at start)
- Letters of Administration, Vol 10, 1826-1829 (index at start)
- Letters of Administration, Vol 11, 1829-1834
- Letters of Administration, Vol 12, 1834-1836
- Letters of Administration, Vol 13, 1836-1838
- Letters of Administration, Vol 14, 1838-1840
- Letters of Administration, Vol 15, 1840-1845
- Letters of Administration, Vol 16, 1845-1846
- Letters of Administration, Vol 17, 1846-1848
- Letters of Administration, Vol 18, 1848-1851
- Administration Bonds, Vol 7-10, 1815-1830 (no index)
- Administration Bonds, Vol 11, 1830-1834 (no index)
- Administration Bonds, Vol 12-15, 1834-1844 (no index)
- Administration Bonds, Vol 16-18, 1844-1851 (no index)
- Index to Administrations, 1752-1798, Vol 1,2,3 (for what?)
- Index to Administrations, 1752-1798, Vol 4,5 (for what?)
- Index to Administrations, 1752-1798, Vol 6,7,8 (for what?)
Estate Files
- Probate Estate Files, Abendshine, Reinhold-Berger, Peter, 1752-1799
- Probate Estate Files, Barde, John Lewis-Eiler, Michael, 1752-1799
- Probate Estate Files, Bergman, Christian-Bradly, Oliver, 1752-1799
- Probate Estate Files, Brady, Samuel-Dehart, William, 1752-1799
- Probate Estate Files, Eisenach, Charles-Fox, David, 1752-1799
- Probate Estate Files, Fox, Jacob-Grim, David, 1752-1799
- Probate Estate Files, Grim, John-Heiser, Conrad, 1752-1799
- Probate Estate Files, Held, Ludwig-Huyett, Ludwig, 1752-1799
- Probate Estate Files, Imler, Ludwig-Koch, Henry, 1752-1799
- Probate Estate Files, Levengood, Peter-Miller, Christian, 1752-1799
- Probate Estate Files, Miller, Christian-Parker, William, 1752-1799
- Probate Estate Files, Parks, Samuel-Resh, Philip, 1752-1799
- Probate Estate Files, Resher, Gabriel - Seitzinger, Nich, 1752-1799
- Probate Estate Files, Sell, George - Smith, Nicholas, 1752-1799
- Probate Estate Files, Smith, Peter - Swoyer, Juliana, 1752-1799
- Probate Estate Files, Thomas, Evan-Werstler, John, 1752-1799
- Probate Estate Files, Wert, Christina-Zwerentz, Ludwig, 1752-1799
- Probate Estate Files, Miscellaneous Estate Files, 1752-1799
- Probate Estate Files, Koch, Jacob-Levengood, Jacob, 1752-1799
- Probate Estate Files, Acker, Margaret-Aurand, Peter, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Babb, Catherine-Baver, John, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Beaky, Francis-Berger, Lydia, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Berger, Peter - Billman, Valentine, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Bingeman, Henry-Boot, Danial, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Bordner, Daniel - Bretzius, Jacob, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Bryman, Christian-Cramp, Charles, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Cramp, Jacob-Derr, Josiah, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Derr, Samuel - Drenkel, Daniel, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Drenkel, John-Eisenhart, Michael, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Eisenhower, George - Evans, Nathan, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Evans, Philip T - Fichthorn, Andrew, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Fichthorn, Catharine-Fisher, Peter, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Fisher, Philip - Fricker, Peter, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Fricker, William - Gehrig, John, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Gehringer, Andreas-Gilmore, Robert, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Gilson, Riah-Greth, John, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Greth, Nicholas - Guldin, John, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Guldin, Peter - Harner, Daniel, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Harner, Henry - Heffner, Esther, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Heffner, George - Hess, Daniel, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Hess, Henry-Himmelreich, William, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Hine, Catharine - Hoffman, Hannah, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Hoffman, Henry - Huff, Elizabeth, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Huff, Frederick - Jones, Mounce, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Jones, Nicholas - Keim, George, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Keim, John - Kershner, Philip, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Kerst, Appolonia - Kline, Henry S, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Kline, Isaac - Koch, Christian, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Koch, George-Kutz, Adam, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Kutz, Catharine - Leiby, George M, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Leiby, Jacob - Levan, Jacob L, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Levan, John - Lorah, George, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Lorah, Henry - Marsteller, Henry, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Marsteller, John-Mervine, Nicholas, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Messersmith, Eliz-Miller, Matthias, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Miller, Michael-Moser, Weirich, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Moser, Weierly - Muthart, John, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Muthart, Joseph - Nyce, Margaret, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Oberholtzer, Esther - Petry, Magdal, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Reed, John Adam-Renninger, Michael, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Renno, Elizabeth - Ritter, David, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Ritter, Francis - Rothermel, Peter, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Rothermel, Sophia - Seibert, George, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Seibert, Henry-Shade, Frederick, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Shade, Jacob - Sheidy, Jacob, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Sheidy, John-Schuelgen, Theodore, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Shugar, Catharine - Smeltzer, Andrew, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Sichting, Lydia - Smith, John, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Smith, Joseph-Spencer, Daniel, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Spies, Balzer - Stitzel, Sybilla, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Stocker, John - Swavely, Samuel, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Sweetman, Richard - Trexler, Reuben, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Trexler, Sophia - Wagner, Frederick, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Wagner, George - Weidman, Joel, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Weidman, John - Wentzel, Daniel, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Wentzel, Henry B - Willow, Mary, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Wilson, Andrew - Wright, Sybilla, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Wright, Thomas - Young, Isaac M, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Young, Jacob-Zweitzig, Samuel, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Abramowitz, Abram - Adams, Magdalena, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Adams, Magdalena - Albright, Joseph, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Albright, Joseph S - Althouse, Adam, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Althouse, Amelia-Anderson, Susan T, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Andolf, George-Arnold, Aaron P, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Arnold, Anna H-Aulenbach, John A, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Aulenbach, John S - Baer, David S, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Baer, Elizabeth - Bagenstose, Daniel L, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Bagenstose, Daniel-Barlet, Daniel, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Barlet, Daniel-Bartman, Adam, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Barto, Abraham H - Baum, Augustus, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Baum, Carrie M-Bard, Adam, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Beard, Amos-Bechtel, Jacob, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Bechtel, Jacob - Becker, George, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Becker, Hannah - Beidler, Reuben, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Beidler, Reuben - Bennethum, Rachael --- 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Bennethum, Sarah - Bernhart, Franklin S, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Bernhart, Isaac - Bertolet, Sarah, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Bertolet, William - Bieber, Eugene D, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Bieber, George - Binkly, Ellen, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Binkly, Elvira - Bixler, Christian B, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Bixler, Christian G-Blecher, William, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Bleiler, Charles - Bohn, Emma S, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Bohn, Henry K-Boos, Emma E, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Boos, Esther J-Bower, Jacob, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Bower, Jacob F - Boyer, David, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Boyer, Daniel B-Boyer, Sallie, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Boyer, Samuel-Breiner, Elias, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Breiner, George - Bright, Francis, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Bretzius, Michael - Bryan, Joel, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Bright, Jacob - Brossman, John B, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Brossman, John L - Brown, Phillip B, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Brown, Rebecca-Bucher, William, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Buchert, Franklin F-Burkhart, Catharine, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Burkhart, Catharine-Care, John, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Care, Nathan-Chrisman, Isaac, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Christman, Isaac-Clemmer, Barbara, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Clemmer, Barbara - Clymer, William H. --- 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Coates, Elizabeth F-Covely, Agnes, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Covely, David-Custard, Mary, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Custard, Michael L-Davis, Emily, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Davis, Fanny-Degler, John S, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Degler, John W-Deisher, Rachel, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Deisher, Reuben-Deppen, Isabella B, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Deppen, James W - Deturk, Mahlon L, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Deturk, Maria-Diehl, Maria, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Diehl, Michael M-Dietrich, Mary, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Dietrich, Nathan - Dotterer, Daniel B, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Dotterer, Elizabeth - Drenkel, George, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Drenkel, John - Dumm, Willoughby, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Dunbar, Elizabeth-Dunkelberger, Peter, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Dunkelberger, Samuel-Ebling, William, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Ebner, John-Egelman, Charles E, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Egelman, Charles F - Eisenhower, James, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Eisenhower, Margaret - Epler, John P, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Epler, John, Vol-Eshbach, James D, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Eshbach, Oswin-Evans, Rachel, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Evans, Sarah A - Faust, Elizabeth, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Faust, Gabriel-Feick, Daniel, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Feick, Daniel - Fichthorn, Andrew, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Fichthorn, Andrew H - Filbert, Floranda K, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Filbert, Gabriel - Fisher, Catherine L, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Fisher, Charles B-Fisher, Michael, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Fisher, Michael - Fix, Rosa E, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Fix, Samuel - Folk, Charles A, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Folk, Charles O-Fox, Benneville, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Fox, Caroline-Frantz, Elizabeth, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Frantz, Frenea-Frescoln, Reis W, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Frescoln, Thomas W - Fry, Charles, Jr, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Fry, Charles-Futryk, Sinko, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Gable, Abraham - Gasser, David, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Gasser, George-Gehret, John, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Gehret, John - Geiger, Paul, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Geiger, Paul F - Gerhart, Catharine, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Gerhart, Constance-Getz, Anna U, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Getz, Ferdinand - Gilbert, Maria, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Gilbert, Mary-Gnau, John, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Gnau, Rebecca-Goodman, Calvin, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Goodman, Catherine-Graff, John, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Graff, John-Graves, Henry B, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Graves, John-Greth, Samuel, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Greth, Samuel - Grime, David, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Grime, Elizabeth F-Gross, Mary A, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Gross, Nathan-Guldin, Catharine, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Guldin, Charles - Haak, Catherine, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Haak, Clara A - Haas, William, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Hahn, Jacob - Hain, Sarah H, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Hain, Thomas W - Harden, Maria, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Harden, William J-Harpster, Morris, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Harpster, Sallie L - Hartline, Matthias, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Hartline, Sarah-Hartman, Valentine, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Hartman, Valentine-Hauman, William H, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Havercamp, John C-Heckman, Jeremiah, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Haws, William H-Hahn, Henry A, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Heckman, John-Heffner, Jacob R, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Heffner, Jacob S - Heinly, William, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Heinrich, Jonathan - Henley, Mary, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Henne, Charles L-Herb, Alice, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Herb, Benjamin - Herbein, Sarah, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Herbein, Sarah-Hess, Frederick, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Hess, Frederick R-Hiester, Emma L, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Hiester, Eva-High, Hannah, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, High, Mary M-Hill, Thomas, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Hill, Thomas-Hines, John, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Hines, Margaret-Hoch, Benjamin, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Hoch, Benneville-Hoeth, Charles, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Hoff, Almira R - Hoffman, Isaac S, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Hoffman, Jacob - Holland, James, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Holland, Margaret-Hook, George E, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Hook, Henry E - Hotem, Henry, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Hottenstein, Abraham - Howden, John K, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Howden, Lovina-Hunter, Anna, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Hunter, Charles H - Huyett, Sarah, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Huyett, Solomon-Jeffrey, William, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Jeffries, Eliza-Jones, Margaret, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Jones, Margaret A-Kane, Ada E, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Kane, John G-Kauffman, John B, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Kauffman, John B-Kehler, Eva A, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Kehler, Eva Ann-Keiser, George W, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Keiser, Gottlieber - Kemmerer, Abraham, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Kemmerer, Agnes M-Kepner, Sophia, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Kepple, Jacob-Kershner, Monrow Z, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Kershner, Moses J-King, Anthony, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, King, Caroline-Kissling, Jacob, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Kissling, Joseph - Kline, James, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Kline, Jeremiah G-Klopp, Daniel, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Klopp, Daniel-Knabb, Harriet, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Knabb, Jacob-Knoll, Jacob, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Knoll, Joel K-Kohl, Peter, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Kohl, Samuel - Krause, Henry H, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Krause, Jacob - Krick, William M, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Krick, William-Kupp, Benjamin Harrison, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Kupp, Daniel S - Kutz, Diana, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Kutz, Dickinson - Lamm, Daniel, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Lamm, Elizabeth-Laub, John, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Laub, Kitty - Leibelsperger, Johathan, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Leibelsperger, Lidia - Leinbah, Joseph A, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Leinback, Joseph T-Lengel, Daniel M, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Lengel, David S-Lerch, Susana, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Lerch, T P-Levan, Ellen, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Levan, Esther - Levengood, Jacob S, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Levengood, James-Liggett, Andora, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Liggett, Caleb-Long, Daniel, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Long, David-Lorah, John, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Lorah, Leah-Ludwig, Elizabeth, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Ludwig, Esther K - Madeira, Catharine, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Madeira, Catharine G-Manbeck, Henry, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Manbeck, Jacob - Martin, Elizabeth, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Martin, Israel-Matz, Hiram R, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Matz, James-McCoach, Sarah, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, McCoach, Susan - McKnight, J Hiester, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, McKnight, James - Mee, Jacob, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Mehle, Jacob-Mennig, George, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Mensch, Adam - Merkel, Solomon, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Merkel, Susan-Messchert, Matthew H, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Messina, Maria - Miller, Benneville, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Miller, Benneville - Miller, Floranda, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Miller, Frank - Miller, Jacob G, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Miller, Jacob M-Miller, Margaret, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Miller, Margaret B-Miller, Washington, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Miller, Wellington F-Mogel, John W, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Mogel, Peter-Moore, Ellen R, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Moore, Elmer E - Moser, Catharine, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Moser, Catharine B. - Moyer, Catharine E., 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Moyer, Catharine P - Moyer, Jacob, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Moyer, Jacob-Moyer, Mary H, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Moyer, Mary J - Muth, Philip B, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Muthart, Catharine-Neider, Rebecca, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Neider, Reuben-Neyer, John, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Nicholas, Dorothea - Noll, George Vol, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Noll, Gideon-Oneal, Michael, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Ohlinger, Daniel-Oxenreider, Jonathan, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Oneil, Hugh-Ohlinger, Adam Sr, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Oxenreider, Peter-Pautsch, John, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Pautsch, John-Peters, Susan, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Peters, Susanna-Pilgert, George, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Pfleger, John - Redcay, John, 1800-1850
- Probate Estate Files, Pilgert, George M-Potteiger, Adam, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Potteiger, Adam H - Printz, John C - - 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Printz, John H-Raab, George, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Raab, George J-Rapp, Mary Ann, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Rapp, Mary Barbara-Reber, Catharine, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Reber, Clara-Reddinger, Catharine, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Reddinger, David-Reeser, William, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Reeser, William-Reifsnyder, John, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Reifsnyder, John F-Reinhart, Isaac, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Reinhart, Jacob-Renninger, John, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Renninger, John-Rhine, Henry E, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Rhine, Henry S-Rhoads, Sallie, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Rhoads, Samuel-Richardson, Emma, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Richardson, William C - Riegner, Benjamin, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Riegner, Frederick - Ritter, Isaac, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Ritter, Isaac-Rohrbach, Bennville, F, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Rohrbach, Banjamin - Romig, Zephaniah, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Rommel, Gustavus-Rothermel, Emma L, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Rothermel, Enoch G-Rubright, Sarah, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Rudden, Sarah-Ruth, Elmira, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Ruth, Emma-Salem, George C, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Salem, John M-Saul, Daniel, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Saul, D I-Scull, Lewis H, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Scull, Marks B-Seidel, Hannah M, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Seidel, Heber L - Seifert, Victorius H, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Seifert, William-Sell, Caroline, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Sell, Elizabeth-Shafer, Benneville, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Shafer, Benneville - Shafer, Lydia, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Shafer, Lydia-Shalter, Francis B, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Shalter, Francis B-Shappell, Samuel, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Shappell, Samuel-Sheeler, Elizabeth, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Sheeler, Elizabeth-Shelly, Thamar, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Shelly, Tobias D - Shitler, Hiram, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Shitler, Milton J H - Shlessman, Rebecca, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Shlessman, William-Shollenberger, Jacob, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Shollenberger, John - Shrader, Mary Ann, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Shrader, Mary A-Shultz, Maria, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Shultz, Mary - Simpson, Sarah A - 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Sindel, Edwin H-Smigaj, Kasmir J, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Smiley, Dewitt C - Smith, George Sr, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Smith, George Jr - Smith, Samuel P, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Smith, Samuel S - Snyder, Charles, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Snyder, Christina-Snyder, John G, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Snyder, John H - Souder, Daniel, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Souder, Edward-Spatz, John H, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Spatz, John H - Spohn, Rebecca, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Spohn, Reuben-Stauffer, Addison A, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Stauffer, Anna - Stein, Catharine, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Stein, Catharine-Stettler, Robert, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Stettler, Samuel G - Stitzel, Esther, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Stitzel, George D - Stoudt, Elizabeth, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Stoudt, Elizabeth-Strasser, Elizabeth, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Strasser, George-Strunk, Catharine, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Strunk, Catharine - Summons, Joseph, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Summer, Matilda-Swavely, Adam, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Swavely, Albert F - Swoyer, Maria, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Swoyer, Maria-Thompson, John C, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Thompson, John P - Trexler, Amelia, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Trexler, Amoz-Troutman, Michael B, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Troutman, Philip - Unger, Amelia, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Unger, Benneville-Van Sickle, Morris, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Van Steffy, Allen - Wagner, Catharine, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Wagner, Daniel-Walbert, Susan M, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Walbert, William S-Wanner, Peter D, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Wanner, Reuben-Weaver, Harry, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Weaver, Henry-Weidner, Francis H, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Weidner, George-Weiser, Joel D, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Weiser, John - Wells, James E, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Wells, Lydia M - Wentzel, John B, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Wentzel, John K-Wertz, Augustus C, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Wertz, Caroline-Wetherill, William 1870, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Wetherill, William - Wilhelm, Jacob, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Wilhelm, Jacob-Wily, Abaline, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Wily, George Washington-Witman, Howard, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Witman, Isaac-Wootten, W Frazier, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Wootten, Louise Hoff-Yeager, Rebecca 1896, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Yeager, Rebecca - Yocom, Jacob A, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Yocom, James W-Yoder, William, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Yoder, William I-Youse, Levi, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Youse, Lydia-Zerbe, Ephraim, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Zerbe, Ephraim F - Ziemer, William, 1850-1915
- Probate Estate Files, Ziermer, William R-Zweizig, Mary A, 1850-1915
Orphan's Court
First go to OC Proceedings Index, then to the OC Proceedings. There is information in here that is not in the estate records above and also for cases where there is no estate file.
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name A
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name B
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name C
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name D
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name E
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name F
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name G
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name H
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name H2
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name J
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name K
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name L
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name M
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name N
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name O
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name P
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name Q
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name R
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name S
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name T
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name U
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name V
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name W
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name Y
- Index to Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1-17, name Z
- Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 1, 1752-1768 (index at end)
- Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 2, 1768-1782 (index at end)
- Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 3, 1783-1787 (index at end)
- Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 4, 1788-1800
- Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 5, 1800-1816
- Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 6, 1803-1818
- Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 7, 1818-1822 (index at end)
- Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 8, 1822-1825
- Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 9, 1825-1829
- Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 10, 1829-1831 (index at start)
- Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 11, 1831-1834 (index at start)
- Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 12, 1834-1838
- Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 13, 1838-1843
- Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 14, 1843-1844 (index at start)
- Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 15, 1844-1847 (index at end)
- Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 16, 1845-1847
- Orphans Court Proceedings, Vol 17, 1847-1857
- Orphan's Court Docket, Vol 1-4, 1884-1888 (index at start of each volume)
- Orphan's Court Docket, Vol 6-11, 1890-1897 (index at start of each volume)
- Orphan's Court Docket, Vol 12-17, 1898-1903 (index at start of each volume)
- Orphan's Court Docket, Vol 18-21, 1904-1907 (index at start of each volume)
- Orphan's Court Docket, Vol 22-27, 1908-1913 (index at start of each volume)
- Orphan's Court Docket, Vol 28-32 1914-1918 (index at start of each volume)
- Miscellaneous Deeds, 1755-1784 (index at start) (ancestry only)
- Miscellaneous Deeds, 1859-1880 (index at start) (ancestry only)
- Register's Docket, 1832-1870 (index at start)
- Register's Docket, 1832-1870 (index at start) (duplicate)
- Index to Wills, name A, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name B, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name C, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name D, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name E, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name F, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name G, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name H, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name I, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name J, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name K, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name L, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name Mc, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name M, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name N, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name O, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name P, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name Q, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name R, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name S, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name T, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name U, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name V, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name W, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name Y, 1752-1915
- Index to Wills, name Z, 1752-1915
- Wills, Vol A2, 1753-1812
- Wills, Vol B2, 1779-1811
- Wills, Vol C2, 1811-1824
- Wills, Vol D2, 1811-1825
- Wills, Vol 1, 1752-1765
- Wills, Vol 2, 1765-1779
- Wills, Vol 3, 1779-1800
- Wills, Vol 4, 1801-1807
- Wills, Vol 5, 1807-1826
- Wills, Vol 6, 1826-1832
- Wills, Vol 7, 1832-1837
- Wills, Vol 8, 1836-1844
- Wills, Vol 9, 1844-1848
- Wills, Vol 10, 1851-1860
Unrecorded Wills refers to wills that were originally in German and not entered into the will books at the time.
- Unrecorded Wills, Book 1, 1753-1765 (ancestry only)
- Unrecorded Wills, Book 2, 1765-1779 (ancestry only)
Berks Tax Lists
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Combined tax lists for the townships that were interesting to me (if you want to do other areas/times, send me the links and I'll add them!). Beware that the indices seem to have occasional mistakes (I saw some) and there may be some typos below, so double check everything.
- Albany Twp, 1768 (ancestry)
- Albany Twp, 1772
- Albany Twp, 1772
- Albany Twp, 1779 (ancestry)
- Albany Twp, 1780 (ancestry)
- Albany Twp, 1781?
- Albany Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Albany Twp, 1782 (ancestry)
- Albany Twp, 1783 (ancestry)
- Albany Twp, 1785?
- Albany Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Albany Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Albany Twp, 1786 (ancestry)
- Albany Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Albany Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Albany Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Albany Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Albany Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Albany Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Albany Twp, 1789
- Albany Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Albany Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Albany Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Albany Twp, 1791
- Albany Twp, 1795
- Albany Twp, 1799
- Alsace Twp, 1755
- Alsace Twp, 1758
- Alsace Twp, 1768 (ancestry)
- Alsace Twp, 1768? (ancestry)
- Alsace Twp, 1773
- Alsace Twp, 1774
- Alsace Twp, 1778
- Alsace Twp, 1779 (ancestry)
- Alsace Twp, 1780 (ancestry)
- Alsace Twp, 1781
- Alsace Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Alsace Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Alsace Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Alsace Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Alsace Twp, 1782 (ancestry)
- Alsace Twp, 1782 (ancestry)
- Alsace Twp, 1783 (ancestry)
- Alsace Twp, 1785
- Alsace Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Alsace Twp, 1786
- Alsace Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Alsace Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Alsace Twp, 1788
- Alsace Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Alsace Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Alsace Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Alsace Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Alsace Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Alsace Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Alsace Twp, ??
- Alsace Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Alsace Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Alsace Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Alsace Twp, 1791
- Alsace Twp, 1792
- Alsace Twp, 1792
- Alsace Twp, 1794
- Alsace Twp, 1795
- Alsace Twp, 1799
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1752
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1758
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1762
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1768
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1773
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1779
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1779 (ancestry)
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1780 (ancestry)
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1782
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1783 (ancestry)
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1785
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1786
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1786 (ancestry)
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1787
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1789
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1791
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1792
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1794
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1794
- Colebrookdale Twp, 1795
- Earl Twp, 1782 (ancestry)
- Earl Twp, 1783 (ancestry)
- Earl Twp, 1785
- Earl Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Earl Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Earl Twp, 1786
- Earl Twp, 1786 (ancestry)
- Earl Twp, 1787
- Earl Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Earl Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Earl Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Earl Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Earl Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Earl Twp, 1789
- Earl Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Earl Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Earl Twp, 1791
- Earl Twp, 1792
- Earl Twp, 1792
- Earl Twp, 1793
- Earl Twp, 1794
- Earl Twp, 1794
- Earl Twp, 1795
- Earl Twp, 1795
- Earl Twp, 1799
- Eastern District Twp, 1768 (ancestry)
- Eastern District Twp, 1772
- Eastern District Twp, 1779
- Eastern District Twp, 1779 (ancestry)
- Eastern District Twp, 1780 (ancestry)
- Eastern District Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Eastern District Twp, 1782 (ancestry)
- Eastern District Twp, 1783 (ancestry)
- Eastern District Twp, 1785
- Eastern District Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Eastern District Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Eastern District Twp, 1786
- Eastern District Twp, 1786 (ancestry)
- Eastern District Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Eastern District Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Eastern District Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Eastern District Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Eastern District Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Eastern District Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Eastern District Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Eastern District Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Eastern District Twp, 1791
- Eastern District Twp, 1792
- Eastern District Twp, 1793
- Eastern District Twp, 1794
- Eastern District Twp, 1795
- Eastern District Twp, 1799
- Exeter Twp, 1755
- Exeter Twp, 1768 (ancestry)
- Exeter Twp, 1770
- Exeter Twp, 1772
- Exeter Twp, 1772
- Exeter Twp, 1774
- Exeter Twp, 1778
- Exeter Twp, 1779
- Exeter Twp, 1779 (ancestry)
- Exeter Twp, 1780
- Exeter Twp, 1780 (ancestry)
- Exeter Twp, 1781
- Exeter Twp, 1781
- Exeter Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Exeter Twp, 1782 (ancestry)
- Exeter Twp, 1783 (ancestry)
- Exeter Twp, 1785
- Exeter Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Exeter Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Exeter Twp, 1786
- Exeter Twp, 1786
- Exeter Twp, 1786 (ancestry)
- Exeter Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Exeter Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Exeter Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Exeter Twp, 1788
- Exeter Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Exeter Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Exeter Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Exeter Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Exeter Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Exeter Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Exeter Twp, 1791
- Exeter Twp, 1792
- Exeter Twp, 1793
- Exeter Twp, 1794
- Exeter Twp, 1795
- Exeter Twp, 1799
- Greenwich Twp, 1765
- Greenwich Twp, 1768 (ancestry)
- Greenwich Twp, 1772
- Greenwich Twp, 1773
- Greenwich Twp, 1774
- Greenwich Twp, 1774
- Greenwich Twp, 1780 (ancestry)
- Greenwich Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Greenwich Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Greenwich Twp, 1782 (ancestry)
- Greenwich Twp, 1783
- Greenwich Twp, 1783 (ancestry)
- Greenwich Twp, 1785
- Greenwich Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Greenwich Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Greenwich Twp, 1786
- Greenwich Twp, 1786 (ancestry)
- Greenwich Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Greenwich Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Greenwich Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Greenwich Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Greenwich Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Greenwich Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Greenwich Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Greenwich Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Greenwich Twp, 1792
- Greenwich Twp, 1793
- Greenwich Twp, 1794
- Greenwich Twp, 1795
- Greenwich Twp, 1799
- Hereford Twp, 1761
- Hereford Twp, 1761
- Hereford Twp, 1761
- Hereford Twp, 1768 (ancestry)
- Hereford Twp, 1772
- Hereford Twp, 1772
- Hereford Twp, 1774
- Hereford Twp, 1778
- Hereford Twp, 1779
- Hereford Twp, 1779
- Hereford Twp, 1779
- Hereford Twp, 1779
- Hereford Twp, 1781
- Hereford Twp, 1781
- Hereford Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Hereford Twp, 1782 (ancestry)
- Hereford Twp, 1783 (ancestry)
- Hereford Twp, 1785
- Hereford Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Hereford Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Hereford Twp, 1786
- Hereford Twp, 1786 (ancestry)
- Hereford Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Hereford Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Hereford Twp, 1788
- Hereford Twp, 1788
- Hereford Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Hereford Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Hereford Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Hereford Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Hereford Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Hereford Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Hereford Twp, 1791
- Hereford Twp, 1792
- Hereford Twp, 1793
- Hereford Twp, 1793
- Hereford Twp, 1794
- Hereford Twp, 1794
- Hereford Twp, 1795
- Hereford Twp, 1795
- Hereford Twp, 1799
- Longswamp Twp, 1755
- Longswamp Twp, 1768 (ancestry)
- Longswamp Twp, 1770
- Longswamp Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Longswamp Twp, 1782 (ancestry)
- Longswamp Twp, 1783 (ancestry)
- Longswamp Twp, 1785
- Longswamp Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Longswamp Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Longswamp Twp, 1786
- Longswamp Twp, 1786 (ancestry)
- Longswamp Twp, 1787
- Longswamp Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Longswamp Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Longswamp Twp, 1788
- Longswamp Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Longswamp Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Longswamp Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Longswamp Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Longswamp Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Longswamp Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Longswamp Twp, 1791
- Longswamp Twp, 1792
- Longswamp Twp, 1793
- Longswamp Twp, 1793
- Longswamp Twp, 1795
- Longswamp Twp, 1799
- Maxatawny Twp, 1755
- Maxatawny Twp, 1761
- Maxatawny Twp, 1768
- Maxatawny Twp, 1768 (ancestry)
- Maxatawny Twp, 1771
- Maxatawny Twp, 1774
- Maxatawny Twp, 1779
- Maxatawny Twp, 1780 (ancestry)
- Maxatawny Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Maxatawny Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Maxatawny Twp, 1782 (ancestry)
- Maxatawny Twp, 1783 (ancestry)
- Maxatawny Twp, 1785
- Maxatawny Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Maxatawny Twp, 1786
- Maxatawny Twp, 1786 (ancestry)
- Maxatawny Twp, 1786 (ancestry)
- Maxatawny Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Maxatawny Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Maxatawny Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Maxatawny Twp, 1788
- Maxatawny Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Maxatawny Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Maxatawny Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Maxatawny Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Maxatawny Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Maxatawny Twp, 1791
- Maxatawny Twp, 1792
- Maxatawny Twp, 1793
- Maxatawny Twp, 1793
- Maxatawny Twp, 1794
- Maxatawny Twp, 1794
- Maxatawny Twp, 1795
- Maxatawny Twp, 1795
- Maxatawny Twp, 1799
- Oley Twp, 1758
- Oley Twp, 1765
- Oley Twp, 1768 (ancestry)
- Oley Twp, 1772
- Oley Twp, 1772
- Oley Twp, 1773
- Oley Twp, 1780
- Oley Twp, 1780 (ancestry)
- Oley Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Oley Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Oley Twp, 1782 (ancestry)
- Oley Twp, 1783 (ancestry)
- Oley Twp, 1785
- Oley Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Oley Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Oley Twp, 1786
- Oley Twp, 1786 (ancestry)
- Oley Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Oley Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Oley Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Oley Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Oley Twp, 1789
- Oley Twp, 1789
- Oley Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Oley Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Oley Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Oley Twp, 1791
- Oley Twp, 1792
- Oley Twp, 1793
- Oley Twp, 1794
- Oley Twp, 1794
- Oley Twp, 1799
- Pine Grove Twp, 1778
- Pine Grove Twp, 1779
- Pine Grove Twp, 1779
- Pine Grove Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Pine Grove Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Pine Grove Twp, 1782 (ancestry)
- Pine Grove Twp, 1783 (ancestry)
- Pine Grove Twp, 1785
- Pine Grove Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Pine Grove Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Pine Grove Twp, 1786
- Pine Grove Twp, 1786 (ancestry)
- Pine Grove Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Pine Grove Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Pine Grove Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Pine Grove Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Pine Grove Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Pine Grove Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Pine Grove Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Pine Grove Twp, 1793
- Pine Grove Twp, 1794
- Pine Grove Twp, 1794
- Pine Grove Twp, 1795
- Pine Grove Twp, 1807
- Reading, 1758
- Reading, 1761
- Reading, 1768 (ancestry)
- Reading, 1773
- Reading, 1774
- Reading, 1781
- Reading, 1781 (ancestry)
- Reading, 1781 (ancestry)
- Reading, 1781 (ancestry)
- Reading, 1782 (ancestry)
- Reading, 1783 (ancestry)
- Reading, 1785
- Reading, 1785 (ancestry)
- Reading, 1785 (ancestry)
- Reading, 1786
- Reading, 1786 (ancestry)
- Reading, 1787 (ancestry)
- Reading, 1787 (ancestry)
- Reading, 1788
- Reading, 1788 (ancestry)
- Reading, 1788 (ancestry)
- Reading, 1789
- Reading, 1789 (ancestry)
- Reading, 1789 (ancestry)
- Reading, 1789 (ancestry)
- Reading, 1791
- Reading, 1792
- Reading, 1793
- Reading, 1794
- Reading, 1795
- Richmond Twp, 1752
- Richmond Twp, 1768 (ancestry)
- Richmond Twp, 1773
- Richmond Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Richmond Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Richmond Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Richmond Twp, 1782 (ancestry)
- Richmond Twp, 1783 (ancestry)
- Richmond Twp, 1785
- Richmond Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Richmond Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Richmond Twp, 1786
- Richmond Twp, 1786 (ancestry)
- Richmond Twp, 1787
- Richmond Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Richmond Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Richmond Twp, 1788
- Richmond Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Richmond Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Richmond Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Richmond Twp, 1791
- Richmond Twp, 1792
- Richmond Twp, 1793
- Richmond Twp, 1793
- Richmond Twp, 1794
- Richmond Twp, 1799
- Rockland Twp, 1762
- Rockland Twp, 1768 (ancestry)
- Rockland Twp, 1771
- Rockland Twp, 1772
- Rockland Twp, 1772
- Rockland Twp, 1781
- Rockland Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Rockland Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Rockland Twp, 1782
- Rockland Twp, 1782 (ancestry)
- Rockland Twp, 1783 (ancestry)
- Rockland Twp, 1785
- Rockland Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Rockland Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Rockland Twp, 1786
- Rockland Twp, 1786 (ancestry)
- Rockland Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Rockland Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Rockland Twp, 1788
- Rockland Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Rockland Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Rockland Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Rockland Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Rockland Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Rockland Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Rockland Twp, 1791
- Rockland Twp, 1792
- Rockland Twp, 1793
- Rockland Twp, 1794
- Rockland Twp, 1795
- Rockland Twp, 1799
- Western District Twp, 1768 (ancestry)
- Western District Twp, 1770
- Western District Twp, 1772
- Western District Twp, 1774
- Western District Twp, 1778
- Western District Twp, 1780
- Western District Twp, 1781
- Western District Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Western District Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Western District Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Windsor Twp, ??
- Windsor Twp, ??
- Windsor Twp, 1760
- Windsor Twp, 1761
- Windsor Twp, 1761
- Windsor Twp, 1762
- Windsor Twp, 1768 (ancestry)
- Windsor Twp, 1772
- Windsor Twp, 1772
- Windsor Twp, 1781 (ancestry)
- Windsor Twp, 1782 (ancestry)
- Windsor Twp, 1783 (ancestry)
- Windsor Twp, 1785
- Windsor Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Windsor Twp, 1785 (ancestry)
- Windsor Twp, 1786
- Windsor Twp, 1786 (ancestry)
- Windsor Twp, 1787
- Windsor Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Windsor Twp, 1787 (ancestry)
- Windsor Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Windsor Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Windsor Twp, 1788 (ancestry)
- Windsor Twp, 1789
- Windsor Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Windsor Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Windsor Twp, 1789 (ancestry)
- Windsor Twp, 1791
- Windsor Twp, 1792
- Windsor Twp, 1792
- Windsor Twp, 1793
- Windsor Twp, 1794
- Windsor Twp, 1795
- Windsor Twp, 1799