Pennsylvania Dutch Dialect - Background
I've been interested in the Pennsylvania Dutch dialect since about 1997, most recently as a way to pass on an aspect of my Pennsylvania Dutch heritage to my two children.
Although both paternal and maternal ancestors were mostly German, only my mother's family spoke the language in recent generations. Her parents spoke the dialect in Schuylkill County, but only her two older brothers really learned the language (their parents spoke the dialect to their sons when giving chores, etc.). My mother and her sisters learned enough to understand what was spoken, but were not fluent themselves.
It's with fond memories that I recall visits to the farm and conversations among the older adults in Dutch where occasionally I would hear my name, followed by laughter shortly thereafter. I later wished that I had picked up a working knowledge of the language. Fortunately I live in area now where there are quite a few speakers of the dialect and am currently taking a local class on the dialect. I did have high school Standard German in high school, and that certainly has helped. My children are still interested in the language and should be in a good position to pick up up Standard German in high school, if they choose to do so when older.
Note that I call it Pennsylvania Dutch. Among the different organizations and individuals, there are often discussions on whether it is Pennsylvania German or Pennsylvania Dutch. I won't enter the argument (we're all a little stubborn) - I prefer Pennsylvania Dutch since that is what my Grandparents called it and they told me to be proud of being Pennsylvania Dutch. They were hard working farm people and not scholars so this label is good enough for me. I use the two descriptions interchangeably on this website and see no reason to view either as superior to the other. One is more technically correct while the other is the term most frequently used by the people themselves.
I am an engineer and not a linguist. I am a beginner and not fluent. So please be kind - I will do the best I can.