Pennsylvania Dutch Dialect - Examples
Following are examples of usage culled from several dialect writings.

Adverb Examples

arrig gut - very good

zu dinn - too thin
zu lang - too long

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Preposition Examples

Following are examples of several prepositions along with some prepositions contractions (combining two words into one word).

an de scheene Blumme - at the pretty flowers
am [= an dem] End - at the end
an Kutztown - at Kutztown
an der Miehl - at the mill
an der Runn, at (along) the brook
an sellem Sunndaag - on that Sunday
an Traut Hall - at Trout Hall

aus em Baadeschtubb - out of the bathroom
aus em Grund - out of the ground
aus em Weg - out of the way

bei dir - near you
bei uns - with us (at a location)

bis Oweds - till at night
bis im Schpotyaahr - till in the fall

darrich der Busch - through the woods

drunne im Grund - down in the ground

fer die Gleene - for the little ones
fer uns Kinner - for us children
fer Schee - for nice

hinnich daerre Dier - behind that door
hinnich em Offe - behind the stove

im [= in dem] Gaarde - in the garden
im Haus - in the house
im Hof - in the yard
in der Kich - in the kitchen
in re Maschine - in the car
im Schpiggel - in the front of the mirror
im Summer - in summer
in dem Druwwel - in trouble

in der Gaarde - into the garden
in die Kich - into the kitchen

iwwer der Weschbohl - over the wash bowel

mit re lange Kett - with a long chain

noch de Felder - to the fields
noch der Scheier - to the barn
noch der Schtadt - to the city
noch der Schul - to school

uff WEEU Reading - on station WEEU, Reading, PA
uff der Buckel - on the back
uff em Land - in the country (on the land)
uff ihre Neschder - on their nests
uff der annere Seit - on the other side
uff die Schtunne - on the hours
uff der Weg - on the way

um zwelf Uhr - at twelve o'clock

vun Allentown - from Allentown
vun de Felder - from the fields
vun der Laft - from the air
vun seim Nescht - from its nest
vun de Zeit - from the time
vun 7 bis 10 - from 7 until 10 (time)

zum [= zu dem] Schpeicher - to the second floor
zum Schwamm - to the meadow
zum Zaahdoker - to the dentist

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