Pennsylvania Dutch Dialect - Examples
Following are examples of usage culled from several
dialect writings.Preposition Examples
Following are examples of several prepositions along with some prepositions contractions (combining two words into one word).
an de scheene Blumme - at the pretty flowers
am [= an dem] End - at the end
an Kutztown - at Kutztown
an der Miehl - at the mill
an der Runn, at (along) the brook
an sellem Sunndaag - on that Sunday
an Traut Hall - at Trout Hall
aus em Baadeschtubb - out of the bathroom
aus em Grund - out of the ground
aus em Weg - out of the way
bei dir - near you
bei uns - with us (at a location)
bis Oweds - till at night
bis im Schpotyaahr - till in the fall
darrich der Busch - through the woods
drunne im Grund - down in the ground
fer die Gleene - for the little ones
fer uns Kinner - for us children
fer Schee - for nice
hinnich daerre Dier - behind that door
hinnich em Offe - behind the stove
im [= in dem] Gaarde - in the garden
im Haus - in the house
im Hof - in the yard
in der Kich - in the kitchen
in re Maschine - in the car
im Schpiggel - in the front of the mirror
im Summer - in summer
in dem Druwwel - in trouble
in der Gaarde - into the garden
in die Kich - into the kitchen
iwwer der Weschbohl - over the wash bowel
mit re lange Kett - with a long chain
noch de Felder - to the fields
noch der Scheier - to the barn
noch der Schtadt - to the city
noch der Schul - to school
uff WEEU Reading - on station WEEU, Reading, PA
uff der Buckel - on the back
uff em Land - in the country (on the land)
uff ihre Neschder - on their nests
uff der annere Seit - on the other side
uff die Schtunne - on the hours
uff der Weg - on the way
um zwelf Uhr - at twelve o'clock
vun Allentown - from Allentown
vun de Felder - from the fields
vun der Laft - from the air
vun seim Nescht - from its nest
vun de Zeit - from the time
vun 7 bis 10 - from 7 until 10 (time)
zum [= zu dem] Schpeicher - to the second floor
zum Schwamm - to the meadow
zum Zaahdoker - to the dentist
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Following are examples of several prepositions along with some prepositions contractions (combining two words into one word).
an de scheene Blumme - at the pretty flowers
am [= an dem] End - at the end
an Kutztown - at Kutztown
an der Miehl - at the mill
an der Runn, at (along) the brook
an sellem Sunndaag - on that Sunday
an Traut Hall - at Trout Hall
aus em Baadeschtubb - out of the bathroom
aus em Grund - out of the ground
aus em Weg - out of the way
bei dir - near you
bei uns - with us (at a location)
bis Oweds - till at night
bis im Schpotyaahr - till in the fall
darrich der Busch - through the woods
drunne im Grund - down in the ground
fer die Gleene - for the little ones
fer uns Kinner - for us children
fer Schee - for nice
hinnich daerre Dier - behind that door
hinnich em Offe - behind the stove
im [= in dem] Gaarde - in the garden
im Haus - in the house
im Hof - in the yard
in der Kich - in the kitchen
in re Maschine - in the car
im Schpiggel - in the front of the mirror
im Summer - in summer
in dem Druwwel - in trouble
in der Gaarde - into the garden
in die Kich - into the kitchen
iwwer der Weschbohl - over the wash bowel
mit re lange Kett - with a long chain
noch de Felder - to the fields
noch der Scheier - to the barn
noch der Schtadt - to the city
noch der Schul - to school
uff WEEU Reading - on station WEEU, Reading, PA
uff der Buckel - on the back
uff em Land - in the country (on the land)
uff ihre Neschder - on their nests
uff der annere Seit - on the other side
uff die Schtunne - on the hours
uff der Weg - on the way
um zwelf Uhr - at twelve o'clock
vun Allentown - from Allentown
vun de Felder - from the fields
vun der Laft - from the air
vun seim Nescht - from its nest
vun de Zeit - from the time
vun 7 bis 10 - from 7 until 10 (time)
zum [= zu dem] Schpeicher - to the second floor
zum Schwamm - to the meadow
zum Zaahdoker - to the dentist
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