Pennsylvania Dutch Dialect - Harter
The following dialog is from the 1928 Boonastiel.
I've changed Harter's spelling (orthography) to comply with
recent Buffington-Barba standard. The pattern of speech hasn't
changed in quite a long time making this still very relevent.
Although I changed the spelling of the Pennsylvania Dutch words, I left
the English loan words using English spelling, but highlighted that
fact with italics.
However, I have left the sch
for sh shift. Although
in many places on other web pages, I've used the Schuylkill
County variations of words, I have not attempted to change the
following to conform to any particular regional variation.Boonastiel
T.H. Harter
T.H. Harter
HEIT is der Daag, ass der Governer vorgsetzt hot fer dank zu gewwe. Es hot viel Leit, ass gaar net wisse was es meent. Deel meene es waar en Daag fer sich rund voll Welschhinkel fresse un derno grank waare druff. Der Mensch kann en Sau vun sich mache so gschwind iwwer em fresse as am saufe. Ich gleich selver am disch sei wu en Welschhaahne verrisse watt - net ass ich Welschhinkel gleich, awwer es iss alsfatt ebbes gudes mit verbunne. Viel Liet gehne zu grosse expense fer ihre esse uffgriege - abbardich so Familye, ass reich sin. Derno danke sie Gott, ass sie so gut aakumme mit lange Gebeder, awwer denke net draa, ass verleicht ihrem neegschte Nochber sei Kinner Hungers-Not leite. Huscht du in deim Lewe draa gedenkt, ass mer aarme Mensch mit helfe en viel greeser Blessier iss, ass wie en grosse Middaagesse aus em weckschaffe? Es sin viel Leit, ass alsfatt denk gewwe weil sell ken Geld kuscht, un wann net Grischdendum frei waar, dann deede sie ken fib-en* a-bit* gewwe defor. Aarme Leit mit helfe macht en lang un harlich Lewe. Der Mann wu nix gebt zu niemand daer iss wie en Wasser Pond, ass net aus laaft. Es Wasser iss grien schlimmich un Grotte un Schlange hucke uff der Baenk. Bei ihre kummt alles ei un nix geht aus. Der Mann wu alsfatt gebt iss wie es Baerrickwasser. Es grickt viel un gebt alles, ass es grieckt. Wu's anne laaft sin die Felder grie, die Veggel singe uff der Beem un die Verrelle* schiesse drin rum wie Wedderleeche. Es Wasser lacht un.danzt un tschumpt mit Freide. Mer gleicht es Wasser drinke un mer kann sich net zu neegscht dezu hucke wann mer mied iss. Es huckt sich niemand neegscht an en griene Wasser Pond fer Blessier suche. So iss es mit em geiziche Mensch. Er gebt nix un gratzt alles zu sich wie en Grebs. Er schwezt vun nix as Geld un Land un Welschkann un sei; un wann du ihm lang genunk zu harricht gebt er dihr's schiddle. So dutt's grie, schlimmich wasser. Ich bin en aarmer Mann, awwer so farhoftich, ass ich dihr's saag, von ich's afforde kent, dann waar mei greeschte Blessier so aarmi Deihenker mit helfe.
Awwer sei wie's will, ich hab mei Gsundheit, un aa Jigger aus der schwartze Boddel macht mich als so reich viele, ass der Jay Gould als hot, wo gsaat hot er deed aa millyuun Daaler gewwe von er sei Niralligy cure-e kennt. Es sin hunnert vun alde Weibsleit do am Baerrick, ass meene sie hette ihn cure-e kenne, awwer wann er all es Gegerider gnumme hett, ass ich hab wie ich der Gickser ghatt hab, waar er dod gange lang, eb er iss. Ya, es hot yeders ebbes fer dankbaar sei. Der Parre Mohler iss dankbaar, ass er sei Luh griekt alle Vaerdel Yaahr, un die Leit sin dankbaar, ass sie en Parre hen, ass es Evvengelium recht auslega kann. Der Hullerheck is dankbaar, ass er en guder Handel iwwer der Baar ghatt hot darrich es letscht Yaahr. Der Mike Bixel iss dankbaar, ass er net gfange iss, waare wie er em Sam Seeshuls sei Seidefleesh gshtohle hott, un der Jeckey Hawnayarick iss dankbaar, ass sei Schwaer zwee Platz ge-eegent hot. Die Polly iss dankbaar, ass sie noch ihre Gottlieb hot un ich bin dankbaar, ass ich noch mei liewe Polly hab. Sie saage die Welt watt besser, awwer ich glaab net, ass dank gewwe viel helft wann mer net als ebmols ebbes nooch schiebt. Wann der alt Sammy Sendapetzer heit in die Karrich kummt un bed bis er umechdich watt, dasn sei net verschrecke. Yuscht heb ihms glingle Seckli unich die Naas.
TODAY is the day the governor sets apart to observe Thanksgiving.
There are many people who have not the least idea what it means.
Some think it to be a day upon which to fill oneself by eating turkey
then getting sick on it. A person can make a swine out of himself
by eating as well as by drinking. I myself like to be at a table
when a turkey is being torn to pieces - not that I like turkey, but
because there are generally some good things that go with it.
Many people go to great expense in order to get together something
good, especially families that are rich. Then they thank God that
they are getting along so well, but do not think that perhaps their
next door neighbor's children are suffering from hunger. Did you
ever think that there is more pleasure in helping a poor person than to
stuff away a big dinner? There are many people who are always
giving thanks when it doesn't cost any money and if Christianity wasn't
free they wouldn't care a shilling for it. To help poor people
along makes for a long and happy life. The man who gives nothing
is like a pond which has no outlet, the water is green and slimy and
frogs and snakes harbor in the bank. By them everything comes in
and nothing goes out. The man who is always giving is like a
mountain stream. It gets much and gives everything it gets.
Down toward the valley the fields are green, birds sing in the trees
and squirrels shoot in and out among the trees like lightning.
The water laughs and jumps and dances with joy. One likes to
drink the water and cannot be seated too close to it when one is
tired. Nobody sits next to a greenish water pond for pleasure's
sake. So it is with the miserly person. He gives nothing
and scratches everything to himself like a crab. He talks about
nothing but money and land and himself; and if you listen to him long
enough he gives you the shakes. So does the green slimy
water. I am a poor man but as sure as I'm telling you if I could
afford it, it would be my greatest pleasure to help such poor suckers.But be as it may, I have my health and one jigger out of the black bottle makes me as happy as Jay Gould used to be who said he would give a million dollars if he could cure his neuralgia. There were hundreds of old women here on the Hill who thought they could cure him but if he had taken all the herbs like I did when I had the hiccups he would have died long before he did. Yes, everybody has something for which to be thankful. Pastor Mohler is thankful that he gets his salary every quarter and the people are thankful that they have a pastor who can properly expound the gospel. Hullerheck is thankful that he had a good trade over the bar during the last year. Mike Bixel is grateful that he wasn't caught when he stole Sam Seeshuls' bacon and Jakie Hawnayarick is thankful that his father-in-law owned two farms and Polly is thankful that she still has her Gottlieb and I still have my Polly. They say that the world is getting better but I do not think that giving thanks means anything unless you sometimes shove something else after it. If old Sammy Pennypincher comes into church today and prays until he becomes unconscious don't be frightened. Just hold the smelling salts under his nose.