Pennsylvania Dutch Dialect - Rauch Exercises
The following dialog is from the 1879 Rauch's Pennsylvania Dutch Hand-Book.  I've changed Rauch's spelling (orthography) to comply with the recent Buffington-Barba standard.  The pattern of speech hasn't changed in quite a long time making this still very relevent.  Although I changed the spelling of the Pennsylvania Dutch words, I left the English loan words using English spelling, but highlighted that fact with italics.  However, I have left the sch for sh shift.  Although in many places on other web pages, I've used the Schuylkill County variations of words, I have not attempted to change the following to conform to any particular regional variation.

The sentences start off simple and then grow in complexity.

Rauch's Pennsylvania Dutch Hand-Book
Practical Exercises
E.H. Rauch

Table 1
I don't believe that. Ich glaab sell net.
I can do it. Ich kann es du.
I give it up. Ich glab es uff.
I do not know it. Ich wees es net.
I took a walk. Ich hab en Walk gnumme.
I walked down town. Ich bin es Town nunnergeloffe.
I go towards home. Ich geh heem zu's.
I am going to church. Ich geh in die Karrich.
I am coming. Ich bin am kumme.
I cannot say. Ich kann net saage.
I go on the railroad. Ich geh uff'm Railroad.
I am going to dinner. Ich geh zum Middaag esse.
I am quite well. Ich bin ganz gsund.
I saw my friend. Ich hab mei Freind gsehne.
I was in town. Ich war im Town.
I bought a horse. Ich hab en Gaul gekaaft.
I need a cow. Ich brauch en Kuh.
I feed the swine. Ich fieder die Sei.
I want to see it. Ich will es sehne.
I told them so. Ich hab ihne so gsaat.
I heard that speech. Ich hab selli Speech gheert.
I hear an alarm. Ich heer en Laerm.
I don't work today. Ich schaff net heit.
I won't do it. Ich will es net duh.
I won't go yet. Ich geh noch net.
I come this week. Ich kumm die Woch.
I want to tell him.
Ich will es ihm saage.
I went out West. Ich bin noch Weschte.
I was at home. Ich war derheem.
I am going to bed. Ich geh ins Bett.
I go to sleep now. Ich geh nau schlofe.
Well, how goes it today? Well, wie geht's heit?
Are you going to town? Gescht in die Schtadt?
What are you driving at now? Was dreibscht alleweil?
Are you all well? Seid ihr all gsund?
Where did you stop? Wo huscht du gschtoppt?

Table 2
I must buy a new coat. Ich muss en neier Rock kaafe.
Did you hear him say it? Huscht ihn es heere saage?
Yes, I heard it myself. Ya, ich hab es selwer gheert.
Did you pay that bill? Huscht selli Bill bezaalt?
I paid it long ago. Ich hab es schun lang betzaalt.
Where did he come from? Wo kommt er her?
Are you yet single? Bischt noch leddich?
Why don't you marry? Ferwas heirscht net?
Because I don't want to. Weil ich net will.
Where is the shoe store? Wo iss der Schuh Schtor?
I need a pair of boots. Ich brauch en paar Schtiffel.
I mean to buy a pair. Ich will en paar kaafe.
Good boots cost money. Gudi Schtiffel koschde Geld.
I have nothing to do. Ich hab nix zu duh.
I'll buy a new hat. Ich kaaf en neier Hut.
I bought a new hat. Ich hab en neier Hut gekaaft.
What's the matter now? Wo fehlt es nau?
All's right again. Es iss widder alles recht.
Did you see them? Huscht se gesehne?
He died last night. Er iss die letscht Nacht gschtarewe.
I was there myself. Ich waar selwer dart.
I can't stand that. Ich kann sell net schtende
I know nothing more. Ich wees nix meh.
On the other side. Uff der anner Seit.
That is what I said. Sell iss was ich gsaat hab.
Where are you going? Wo gehscht hie?
Mind your own business. Meind die eegne Bisness.

Table 3
That is a very fine house down on the corner. Sell iss en arrig feines Haus drunne uff'm Eck.
Now would be a good time to invest in lands. Nau waar en gudi Zeit fer in Land zu invest-e.
Better wait until property gets cheaper. Besser waartscht bis Property welfler watt.
Our merchants appear to be prospering just now. Unser Kaafleit scheine glicklich zu sie alleweil.
The big circus is coming to town next week.
Der gross Circus kummt in die Schtadt die negscht Woch.
Do you know when the animal show is coming?
Weescht wann der Kredohr Show kummt?
Young people travel five miles to see the circus.
Yungi Leit travel-e fimf Mile der Circus zu sehne.
Elephants and monkeys are always interesting.
Ellefonte un Monkeys sin allsfatt interesting.
What is your opinion about monkeys, anyhow?
Was iss dei Opinion vun Monkeys, ennihau?
Monkeys are yet considerably below human beings.
Monkeys sin noch ordlich weit unner die Mensche.
Not very much below some who are called men.
Net arrig weit unner ee deel, ass sie Menner heese.
Monkeys steal, but so do many men.
Monkeys schtehle, un so duhne aa viel Menner.
Men lie, but I don't know as monkeys do.
Menner liege, awwer ich wees net, ass die Monkeys duhne.
Some men are hypocrites, but how about monkeys?
Ee deel Leit sin Heichler, awwer wie mit die Monkeys?
Away with your monkeys - don't understand them.
Weck mit die Monkeys - verschteh sie net.
This is a very fine horse.
Des iss en arrig scheener Gaul.
These are very fine horses.
Des sin arrig scheeni Geil.
I rode to town on horseback.
Ich bin ins Town geridde uff 'm Gaul.
I like to read good books.
Ich gleich gudi Bicher zu lese.
This is a very good book.
Des iss en arrig guts Buch.
These are very good books.
Des sin arrig gudi Bicher.
This is a very fine young girl.
Des iss en arrig feines yung Meedel.
These are very fine young girls.
Des sin arrig feini yungi Meed.

Table 4
John is coming home next week.
Der John kummt heem die negscht Woch.
John was at home last week.
Der John waar deheem die letscht Woch.
John intends' to travel to California.
Der John will noch California travel-e.
John traveled to California.
Der John iss noch California getraveled.
John has been traveling round all summer.
Der John iss rumm getraveled der ganz Summer.
We have very cold weather now.
Mir hen arrig kaltes Wetter alleweil.
I must go to market for fresh butter.
Ich muss uff der Marrick geh fer frischer Budder.
How do they sell the best butter?
Wie verkaafe sie der bescht Budder?
What is the price of your butter?
Was iss der Preis vun deim Budder?
It seems to me that butter isn't good.
Es kummt mir vor seller Budder iss net gut.
Are you sure that is an honest pound?
Bischt schur, ass sell en ehrliches Pund iss?
What will you take for the whole lot?
Was nemmscht fer die ganz Lot?
I sell this butter for twenty-five cents.
Ich verkaaf daer Budder fer fimf un zwansich Cent.
This is good butter - the very best.
Des iss guder Budder - der aller bescht.
The weight is honest - you can depend on that.
Es Gewicht iss ehrlich - du kannscht dich druffverlosse.
For twenty-three I'll sell the whole lot.
For drei un zwansich verkaaf ich die ganz Lot.
How many pounds  have you?
Wieviel Pund huscht?
I have in all sixteen pounds.
Ich hab in all sechtzehn Pund.
It looks as if we would get more rain.
Es guckt, ass wann mir mei Regge griege deete.

Table 5
Who is that man across the way?
Wer iss seller Mann iwwer em Weg.
I don't think I ever before saw that man.
Ich denk net, ass ich yemols seller Mann gsehne hab.
He looks like a suspicious character.
Er guckt wie en suspiciouser Karackder.
What makes you say that?
Was macht dich sell saage?
But from what do you judge?
Awwer vun was duscht du judge?
His general appearance - his stove pipe hat.
Sei general ausse - sei Schtof Pipe Hut.
And his tight pants - and his glittering breastpin.
Un sei tighti Hosse - un sei glitzeriche Breastpin.
And his waxed moustache - his fancy cane.
Un sei gwaxder Mustasch - sei fancy Schtecke.
Who is he anyhow? He needs watching.
Wer iss er ennihau? Er braucht Watches.
He may need watching - he may be bad.
Kann sei, ass er Watches braucht - er maag schlecht sei.
He may be a thief, or a murderer.
Er maag en Dieb sei, odder en Maerder.
He may be even worse than that.
Er maag aa schlechter sei as sell.
But, who knows? Why judge before we know?
Awwer, wer wees? Waarum judge eb mer wisse?
He may be a wealthy humanitarian.
Er iss verleicht en reicher Menschefreind.
Perhaps he is a leading capitalist.
Verleicht iss er en leadinger Capitalischt,
Perhaps he wants to locate here.
Verleicht will er do locate.
And build a mill, a furnace or something else.
Un ee Miehl baue, en Farness, odder ebbes schunscht.
Perhaps he is a  Senator, or some Congressman.
Er iss verleicht en Senator, odder en Congressman.
Or, he may be a distinguished minister.
Odder er maag en beriehmter Preddicher sei.
Or a great professor, or a correspondent.
Odder en grosser Professor, odder en Correspondent.
For my part I mean to let him alone.
Fer mei Deel, ich glaab ich loss en geh.

Table 6
Sleighing is very good just now.
Schlittebaah iss arrig gut alleweil.
How did you like your sleigh ride?
Wie huscht dei schlitte reid gegliche?
A good sleigh ride is always enjoyable.
En guder schlitte reid iss alsfatt aagenehm.
Are you going to the election tomorrow?
Geascht on die Leckschen mariya?
Of course I will - everybody ought to go?
Uff course will ich - yedermann sott geh.
How do you think the election will result?
Wie denkscht, ass die Leckschen gsott?
I believe that the right ticket will win.
Ich glaab, ass es recht Ticket gewinnt.
And I believe it will be badly beaten.
Un ich glaab, ass es arrig gebodde waerrd.
Our,district will give a large  majority.
Unser District gebt en grossi Majority.
I think you are greatly mistaken.
Ich denk du bischt arrig Mistaken.
What makes you think that?
Was macht dich sell denke?
Because I hear so many talk the other way.
Weil ich so fiehl heer der anner Weg schwetze.
Then you think our ticket will be beaten.
Den denkscht unser Ticket waerrd gebodde.
That is just what I firmly believe.
Sell iss yuscht was ich feschtlich glaab.
Perhaps you are going wrong yourself.
Verleicht gehscht du selwer letz.
No, I'm going to vote as every man should.
Neh, ich will vote we an yeader monn vota set.
But which side do you call the right one?
Awwer welli Seit heescht du die recht?
Why my side is the right one, of course it is.
Ei, mei Seit iss die recht, uff Course iss es.

Table 7
What are the crop prospects this year?
Was sin die Aussichte fer die Frucht des Yaahr?
Well so so; I think as a whole they are good.
Well, so so; Ich denk, im ganze, sie sin gut.
Wheat looks very well, and so does rye.
Weeze guckt arrig gut, un so dutts karn.
Grass is not so good - it needs a good rain.
Graas, iss net so gut - es fehlt em en guder Regge.
Oats is middling, coming up to the average.
Hawwer iss middlemaessich - kummt ruff zum average.
Have you commenced your harvesting?
Huscht schun dei Ernte aagfange?
I think I will commence next week.
Ich denk ich fang die negscht Woch aa
I suppose you are done with haymaking?
Ich vermutt du bischt faerdich hoimache?
Not yet; we yet have about ten loads to haul in.
Nochnet; mir hen noch about zehn Loads ei zu faare.
How many acres of wheat have you?
Wieviel Acker Weeze huscht?
I have twenty-seven acres.
Ich hab siwwe un zwansich Acker.
And how many acres of corn?
Un wieviel Acker Welschkann?

Table 8
Do you know that old Tom Jones is dead? Weescht, ass der alt Tom Jones dod iss?
I didn't know that. When did he die? Ich hab sell net gwisst. Wann iss er gschtaerwe?
He died on last Thursday. Er iss gschtaerwe am letschte Dunnerschdaag.
What was the matter with him? Was hot em gfehlt?
He had an attack of billious fever. Er hot en Attack vum Gallefiewer ghatt.
Old Tom left a good deal of property. Der alt Tom hot ordlich viel Property hinnerlosse.
Yes, I should call him worth fully fifty thousand.
Ya, ich deet een vollens fuffzich dausend Wart heese.
As much as that?
So viel as sell?
Yes, all of that, and rather more.
Ya, ganz so viel, un rather mehr.
I know of no property he owned except the farm.
I wees vun kem Property, ass er eegent except die Bauerei.
But he also has ten thousand government bonds.
Awwer er hot aa zehn dausend in Government Bender.
And he also has money on other securities.
Un er hot aa Geld uff anneri Securities.
Do you know whether Tom made a will?
Weescht eb der Tom en Wille gmacht hot?
That I cannot say with with certainty.
Sell kann ich net fer schur saage.
I suppose the widow will administer.
Ich vermutt, ass die Wittfraa waerrd adminischtr-e.
She was in town to engage a lawyer anyhow.
Sie waar ennihau in der Schtadt fer en Lawyer engage-e.
I suppose they will sell out some of the stock
Ich vermutt, ass sie en deel vum Schtack ausverkaafe.
What-do they now pay for the best coal?
Was bezaale sie fer die beschti Kohle nau?
I must go up to Brown's and buy a load.
Ich muss nuff ans Brown's geh un ee Load kaafe.
What's the price of nut coal?
Was iss der Preis vun die Nut Kohle?
I like that kind as well as any other.
Ich gleich selli so gut as ennich anneri.
They are more easily kindled than the larger size.
Sie sin leichter aa gschteckt as die grosseri.

Table 9
Was you at Church on Sunday evening?
Waarscht in der Karrich am Sunndaag owet?
Yes, I was there, and so was my wife.
Ya, ich waar, un so waar mei Fraa.
What do you think of the new pastor?
Was denkscht vum neie Parre?
I don't like him as well as the old one.
Ich gleich en net so gut as der alt.
Why not, what's the matter with him?
Warum net, was iss dann letz mit em?
Why he don't preach at all, he only reads.
Ei er preddicht gaar net, er lest yuscht.
But many of the best preachers do the same.
Awwer viel vun die beschti Preddicher duhn es same.
Then why call them preachers - why not readers?
Waarum heest mir sie dann Preddicher - verwas net Leser?
But reading shows care, study, and industry.
Awwer lese weist Achtung, Schtudy, un Fleiss.
That may be so, but I go in for square preaching.
Sell maag so sei, awwer ich geh nei far plain preddiche.
There is another thing about him I don't like.
Es iss noch ebbes an ihm, ass ich net gleich.
He looks as if he was very proud.
Er guckt, ass wann er arrig schtulz waar.
That's a mistake, he is very sociable.
Sell iss en Mistake, er iss arrig freindlich.
But such a waxy moustach don't suit a preacher.
Awwer so en gwaxter Mustasch suit kee Preddicher.
Oh, why such a mustache is just the style.
Oh, so en Mustasch iss yuscht der Schtyle.
But what we want is more gospel and less style.
Awwer was mir welle iss mehner Evvangelium un net so viel schtyle.
You must remember that he is yet a young man.
Du muscht aa bedenke, ass er noch en yunger Mann iss.
But old enough to have plain common sense.
Awwer alt genunk fer plainer Commoner Verschtand.
It seems to me you are very hard to please.
Es dinkt mich du waerscht arrig hatt zu please.
If only he'd cut off that moustache.
Wann er yuscht seller Mustasch abschneide deet.

Table 10, The Book Store
Bookseller - Well, what can I do for you today?
Buch-hondler - Well was kann ich du fer dich heit?
Customer - Have you Rauch's new book on Penn. Dutch?
Customer - Huscht em Rauch sei nei Buch uff Penn. Deitsch?
B.  Just sold the last copy we had - if you'll wait ten minutes I'll have another lot.
B.  Hab yuscht es letscht Copy devun verkaaft - wann du zeh Minutte waartscht will ich en anneri Lot do hawwe.
C.  According to that they sell rapidly.
C.  According zu sellem duhn sie schtarrick verkaafe.
B.  Sell!  They go off like hot buckwheat cakes. But (to clerk) just step around and order fifty more copies forthwith.
B.  Verkaafe!  Sie gehne ab wie heesi Buchweeze kuche.  Awwer (zum Glarick) schtep yuscht rumm un Order fuffzich Copies mehner.
C.  What's the price of the book?
C.  Was iss der Preis vum Buch?
B.  A dollar and a half.
B.  Ee Daaler un ee Halwer.
C.  Isn't that rather a high price?
C.  Iss sell net rather en hocher Preis?
B.  It is above the average, but it is a specialty, and when you come to see it you wouldn't do without it for five times the price. (The clerk returns with half a dozen Hand-Books, and says the remainder of the newly ordered lot will be along in the course of an hour.)
B.  Es iss owwich em Average,  awwer es iss Special, un wann du es emol sehscht, dann deetscht net unne duh fer fimf mol der Preis.    (Der Glarick kummt zerick mit ee halb dutzed Hand Bicher, un saagt, ass die iwweriche vun der nei g'orderdi Lot aakumme warre in about ee Schtund.)
C.  Well, this is a neat book, that's a fact.
C.  Well, des iss aa en scheenes Buch, sell iss en Fact.
B.  And who'd a thought that the Perm. Dutch contains nearly four thousand regular words, besides a thousand or more transferred from English?
B.  Un wer hetts gedenkt, ass die Penn. Deitsch Schprooch schier vier dausend Warte hett, besides a dausend mehner, ass yuscht aus em English gnumme sin?
C.  I see its a good book, and I'll take two copies, one for myself and the other I'll send to my son-in-law in New York.

C.  Ich seh es iss ee guts Buch, un ich nemm zwee Copies, eens fer mich selwer un es anner will ich meim Dochtermann in Nei Yorrick schicke.
B.  Nothing else today ?
B.  Nix sunscht heit?
C.  Well, let me see - yes, I want a quire of your best note paper and a package of envelopes, and, by the way - what's the price of History of the Rebellion?
B. Well, loss mich sehne—ya, ich will aa en Quire vum bescht Note Babier un ee Pack Envelopes, un, loss sehne, was iss der Preis vum Rebellion History?
B.  That's two and a quarter.
B.  Sell iss zwee un ee Vaerdel.
C.  Say two - thats enough.
C.  Saag zwee - sell iss genunk.
B.  Well, yes, take it.  Nothing else?
B.  Well, ya, nemm es.  Nix sunscht?
C.  No, nothing else this time - oh, yes, I almost forgot - I must have a number two reader for my boy, and also a slate and slate pencil.
C.  Nee, nix sunscht des mol - oh  ya, ich het schier vergesse, ich muss aa en Number Two Reader hawwe fer mei Bu, un aa an Schlate Pencil.
B.  Nothing else?
B.  Nix sunscht?
C.  No, that's all.  Now how much does it all amount to ?
C. Nee, sell iss all.  Nau wie viel macht sell all zamme?
B.  Well, there's Ranch's Penn. Dutch, a dollar and a half a piece, three dollars; the Reballion, two dollars; Reader, seventy-five; paper, ten; slate and pencil, say twenty-five; envelopes, ten in all six dollars and ten cents.
B.  Well, do iss es Rauch's Penn. Dutch, ee Daaler un ee Halwer's schtick, drei Daaler; Rebellion, zwee Daaler; Reader, fimf un siwwezich; Babier, zehn; Schlate un Pencil, fimf un zwansich;  Envelopes zehn in all sex Daaler un zehn Cent.
C.  Say the even six dollars.
C.  Saag die ewwe sex Daaler.
B.  All right - six dollars.
B.  All recht - sex Daaler.
C.  Oh, I really forgot - I must have a copy of Pilgrim's. Progress for my  daughter - promised her one long ago -  what's the price of that neat gilt-edged with clasps?
C.  Oh, really, ich hab vergesse - ich muss aa en Copy vun Pilgrim's Progress hawwe. Ich hab es schun lang meiner dochter verschproche -  was iss der Preis devun - sell mit em Gilt-edge un selli Clasps draa?
B.  Two and a quarter.
B.  Zwee un ee Vartel.
C.  Say two dollars?
C.  Saag zwee Daaler.
B.  Well - can hardly do it, but being its you, all right.
B.  Well, ich kann es hardly duh, awwer weil es dich iss, will ich es all recht heese.
C.  Now I am done sure, good bye!
C.  Nau bin ich awwer faerdich schur, goodbye!
B.  Goodbye.
B.  Goodbye.

Table 11, The Clothing Store
Proprieto. - Walk in, walk in - here's the place for the best and  cheapest - what can I do for you - whole suit, or only coat, pants and vest ?
Proprietor - kumm rei, kumm rei - do iss der Platz fer es bescht un wolfelscht - was kann ich duh fer dich - a ganzi Suit, odder yuscht en Rock, Hosse un Jacket?
Customer - Indeed I hardly know - I'll just look at your pants, for that's all I need just now.
Customer - Ich wees gwiss schier net - Ich will yuscht emol eier Hosse begucke, fer sell iss es eensich, ass ich brauch alleweil.
P.  Want them dark?
P.  Was farriche*, dunkeli?
C.  Well yes, dark, but not quite black.
C.  Well, ya, dunkel, awwer net ganz schwartz.
P.  Here's a pair that will just fit you - only four dollars and a quarter; and here's a pair for three seventy-five; and here's a pair for three dollars.
P.  Do sin ee Paar, ass dich gut fitte - yuscht vier Daaler un ee Vaertel.  Un do sin ee Paar fer drei un drei Vaertel, un do en anners Paar fer drei Daaler.
C.  Isn't this stuff nearly, or entirely cotton?
C.  Iss des Schtoff net schier all Baawoll?
P.  Well no - this pair contains some cotton, but mostly wool, and this pair is all wool and warranted.
P.  Well nee - des Paar do hot ebbss Baawoll, awwer der greescht deel devun iss Woll, un des do Paar iss all Woll un sell warn ich.
C.  Well, I'll give you three and a quarter but not another cent.
C.  Well, ich geb dir drei un ee Vaertel, aweer net en Cent mehner.
P.  Say three and a half.
P.  Saag drei un ee Halwer.
C.  No, three and a quarter is all I'll do.
C.  Nee, drei un aa Vaertel iss alles, ass ich duh.
P.  Oh, I won't stand on a quarter, so here goes, they are yours.   But now you want a vest also, to match don't you ?
P.  Oh, ich will net schteh uff ee Vaertel, so doh geht's - sie sin dei.  Awwer nau witt aa noch en Jacket fer dezu match-e, duscht net?
C.  What will you charge me for a vest of the same quality of goods?
C.  Was witt mich charge-e fer en Jacket vun der same Quality?
P.  Let's see; here is one - the price is two and a quarter, and I'll put it to you at two dollars.  That's very cheap.
P.  Loss mol sehne, do iss eens, der Preis iss zwee un ee Vaertel, un ich duh es zu dir fer zwee Daaler.  Sell iss arrig wolfel.
C. Now you do know how to charge. I can buy as good a vest as that for a dollar and a quarter.
C. Nau, du weescht wie zu charge-e.  Ich kann so en guts Vest kaafe, ass sell iss fer en Daaler un ee Vaertel.
B.  Indeed you can't.   Two dollars is the lowest possible price for which it can be sold without loss.  The fact is, it costs me just one dollar and ninety cents.
B.  Du kannscht gewiss net.  Zwee Daaler iss es nidderscht, ass ich nemme kann defor unne zu verliere.  Die Fact iss, es koscht mich yuscht ee Daaler un neinzich Cent.
C.  Well, I don't care what it cost you - I'll take it at one seventy-five.
C.  Well, ich geb nix drumm was es dich gekoscht net - ich nemm es fer een Daaler un fimf un siwwezich Cent.
P.  As times are rather hard just now you can have it at that. Now let me show you a coat, I'm sure you need one.
P.  Weil die Zeite rather hatt sin yuscht, nemm es.  Nau loss mich   dir emol en Rock weise, fer ich bin schur, ass du eener brauchscht.
C.  But I can't well afford it just now.
C.  Awwer ich kann es net gut afford-e alleweil.
P.  Here's one very cheap - same quality of goods for nine and a half.
P.  Do iss eener arrig wolfel - same Quality vun schtoff, fer nein un a halwer.
C.  Even if I wanted a coat, I wouldn't give you more than about seven and a half for it.
C.  Wann ich aa en Rock wet, deet ich dir net meh gewwe defor as siwwe un ee halwer.
P.  But you do want one, and I'll let you have it for nine dollars.
P.  Awwer du duscht een brauche un ich geb dir den do fer nein Daaler.
C.  What's the use of talking - I say I don't want any coat just now, and even if I did, I wouldn't go a cent above eight dollars no how.
C.  Was iss die Use devun zu schwetze?  Ich saag ich will kenner alleweil, un wann ich aa eener wet deet, ich kee Cent heicher geh as acht Daaler.
P.  Say eight seventy-five.
P.  Saag acht fimf un siwwezich.
C.  I tell you again, I don't need a coat just now.
C.  Ich saag noch emol, ich brauch kee Rock alleweil.
P.  Just to see how well it will become you - suppose you try it on.
P.  Yuscht zu sehne wie gut er dich bekummt, suppose du browierscht en emol aa.
C.  What's the use of trying it on when I don't mean coat business ?
C.  Was iss die Use fer en aa browiere wann ich doch net uff der Rock Bisness meening bin?
P.  Oh, well, just try it on any how. (C. tries it on) now that's what I call a first rate fit - perfectly faultless. Here's the glass, look and see for yourself.
P.  Oh, well, browier en yuscht aa ennihau (C. browiert en aa) nau sell iss was ich en first rater Fit hees - parfectly Fehler frei. Do iss en glaas, guck en emol as, un seh fer dich selwer.
C.  Well, (looking at it before the glass) it is a pretty good fit that's a fact, but then as I said already, I don't need a coat - I'll - let me see -  what's the lowest you'll take for it?
C.  Well, (fer em Glaas) es iss en ordlich gudi Fit, sell iss en Fact, awwer wie schun emol gsaat, ich brauch kee Rock - ich - loss mich sehne -  was iss es nidderscht, ass du nemmscht defor?
P.  I said eight seventy-five, but as it becomes you so admirably you may keep it for eight and a half.
P.  Ich hab acht fimf un siwwezich gsaat, awwer weil er dir so gut bekummt maagscht en behalde fer acht un ee halwer.
C.  Well, I guess I might as well take it. Have you any suspenders ?
C.  Well, ich denk ich deet en yuscht so gut nemme.  Huscht aa Gallesses?
P.  Yes, here's a fine variety - these are twenty-five cents, these thirty-five, and this lot sixty.
P.  Ya, do iss en feini Sort - die do sin fimf un zwansich Cent, die do fimf un dreisich, un selli anner Lot sechtzich.
C.  I'll take a pair of these at thirty-five.
C.  Ich nemm ee Paar vun denne an fimf un dreisich.
P.  Any thing else?
P.  Ennich ebbes sunscht?
C.  Yes, a box of No. 15 paper collars.
C.  Ya, en Box No. 15 Babierni Collars.
P. We also have some very good and cheap underclothing.
P.  Mir hen aa arrig gudi un wolfeli unnergleeder.
C.  But I positively want nothing in that line.
C.  Awwer ich will positiefli nix in seller Line.
P.  Here are some very excellent undershirts at seventy-five, and drawers at the same.
P.  Do sin iwweraus gudi Unnerhemmer fer fimf un siwwezich Cent, un Drawers am same.
C.  Well give me a pair of each.
C.  Well, geb mir ee Paar vun yedem.
P.  Now you want stockings - here's some for twenty cents a pair.
P.  Nau, du witt aa Schtrimp - do sin fer fimf un zwansich Cent es Paar.
C.  Give me about three pair.
C.  Geb mir about drei Paar.
P.  Nothing else?
P.  Nix sunscht?
C.  That is all. Now how much is the whole bill?
C.  Nee, sell iss all.  Nau wieviel macht die ganz Bill.
P.  (Noting down and adding up) seventeen dollars and fifty-five cents, the cheapest outfit ever sold.
P.  (Duht alles zamme add-e) siwwezehn Daaler un fimf un fuffzich Cent, die wolfelscht Outfit, ass yemols verkaaft iss waare.
Customer settles up, and bids farewell.
Der Customer settled uff un saagt farrywell.

Table 12, The Drug Store
Invalid - Have you anything to cure rheumatism?
Invalid - Huscht ennichebbes, ass Rhummedis cured?
Druggist - The very best -remedy in the world  - its Jones' unfailing herb remedy, positively curing every complaint from whooping cough down to square tooth ache.
Abbedeeker - 'S very bescht in der Welt - em Jones sei unfehlbaari Greiter Middel, possitiefli cured alli menschlichi Complaints vum Blohuschte aa bis nunner zu schquare Zaahweh.
I.  And how do you sell that stuff?
I. Un wie verkaafscht sell Schtoff?
D.  One dollar a bottle.
D. Een Daaler die Boddel.
I.  Well, I'll take a bottle.
I.  Well, ich nemm ee Boddel.
D.  Anything else?
D.  Ennichebbas sunscht?
I.  Why yes - the old woman wants a box of the celebrated Swiss pills - I believe you keep them.
I.  Ei ya - die alt fraa will en Box vun debareemte Schweitzer Pille - ich glaab der halte vun selle?
D.  Yes, we keep them until we sell them. Here h a box. You will find directions on the wrapper. One dose from three to five, and if that fails to operate then take the box.
D. Ya, mir halte sie bis mir sie verkaafe.  Do iss en Box devun. Du finschtde Directions uf'm Wrapper.  Ee Dose vun drei bis fimf, un wann sell failed zu schaffe dan nemm die Box.
The invalid paid for his remedies and left.
Der Invalid hot sei Dockter schtuft batzaalt un iss uff un ab.

Table 13, The Doctor
Doctor in sick room - Well, what seems to be the matter with Annie?
Dokder in der kronke Schtupp - Well, was iss letz mit der Annie?
Mother at bed side - Indeed I dont know what is the matter. She was ailing all of yesterday and last night, with severe headache and feverish, and it seems to me also that she has a swelling of the neck.
Mudder am Seit vum Bett - Ei, ich wees gwiss net wo es fehlt.   Sie hot geklaagt geschter der ganz Daag un aa die letscht Nacht, hot koppweh un Fiewer, un es kummt mir aa, fer ihre Hals waar gschwolle.
D.  (Feeling pulse) Yes, she seems to be a little  feverish.  Annie, just let me see your tongue. Yes, that's it.  Has Annie been eating anything this morning?
D. (Fiehlt der Puls) Ya, sie scheint aa wennich fiewerisch zu sei. Annie, weis mir emol dei Zung. Ya, so iss es. Hot die Annie ebbes gesse den Mariye?
M.  No, not a mouthful except two soft boiled eggs, a piece of toast well buttered and a piece of steak about half as big as my hand. She drank two cups of coffee, however.
M.  Nee, net ee Maulvoll except zwee weech gekochti Oier, ee Schtick Toast gut gebuttert un ee Schtick fleisch net halb so gross as mei Hand.  Sie hot aa zwee Kopplin Kaffi gedrunke,
D.  Oh then her case may not necessarily be a serious one. At all events I think we'll soon get her over this attack.
D.  Oh dann iss ihre Case doch net gfehrlich.  Ennihau ich denk mir warre sie ball iwwer den Attack bringe.
M  I hope so, for I dont know what I'd do if Annie would die - it would set me crazy.
M.  Ich will so hoffe, fer ich wees net was ich duh deet, wann die Annie schtaerwe set - es deet mir narrich mache.
D.  Don't be uneasy—she'll be all right in a day or two - no danger at all.
D.  Sei net unruhich - sie kummt all recht in ee Daag odder zwee -  gaar kee Gfaahr,
M.  What is it that's the matter with - it isn't what they call congestion of the brain, is it?
M. Was iss es, ass ihre fehlt - iss es net was sie die Congestion vum gehaern heese?
D.  No indeed - nothing of that kind - it's only a case of overtasking the stomach and a slight cold, causing some nervous agitation, with a little mental prostration.
D.  Nee, nee, nix vun der Aart - es iss yuscht en iwwerlaadung vum Maage un ee wennich kalt, ass en naerfich Unruh verursacht mit ee wennich Gemiets verschwecherung.
M.  But doctor, Annie is very sick - seriously sick, and I'm sure she needs medicine.
M.  Awwer Dockter, die Annie iss arrig grank - gfehrlich gronk, un ich bin schur, ass sie Medizin hawwe muss.
D.  Well yes, of course, its as I say - she's sick, but what I mean is she is not in that sort of condition as to cause the least alarm.
D.  Well ya, uff Course, es iss wie ich saag; sie iss grank, awwer was ich meen iss, ass sie net in so ee Condition iss, ass enniche Unruh verursache set.
M.  May be its what they call diphtheria - oh, I do hope she'll get over it.
M.  Verleicht iss es was sie Diphtheria heise. Oh! ich du hoffe sie kummt driwwe.
D.  No diphtheria at all. and in fact nothing serious of any kind.   Fact is I can't name any particular complaint, because there is none other than as I stated - slightly indisposed.
D.  Gaar kee Diphtheria, un in Fact gaar nix gfehrlichs vun ennicher Aart.  Die Fact iss ich kann kee Particularer Naarme vun grankheit gewwe, weil es kee really grankheit iss, awwer yuscht ee wennich ungsundichkeit.
M.  Then you  are not going to give her any medicine, are you.   If you won't, I'll have to send for Doctor Smith, because I'm certain as I live that Annie is seriously sick.
M.  Demnooch witt ihre kee Medizin gewwe; wann net schick ich fer der Dokder Schmit, fer ich bin so schur, ass ich leb, ass die Annie gfehrlich grank iss.
D.  Well, you may send for Doctor Smith if you will, and if you do, he will fully agree with me that there is nothing serious the matter with Annie.
D.  Well, du maagscht fer der Dokder Schmit schicke wanne du witt, un wann du duscht, dann watt er aa vollens agree-e mit mir, ass gaar nix gfehrliches mit der Annie iss.
M. Well I'll take your word for it, but, then I'm sure she needs some medicine.
M.  Well, ich will dann dei Wart derfor nemme, awwer, ich bin schur, ass sie doch Medizin hawwe muss.
D. Oh yes, of course she does and I mean to give her just what she needs, and if you'll let me have a piece of paper I'll prepare some powders - the very thing that will bring her all right inside of twenty-four hours.
D.  Oh ya, uff Course, un ich will aa gewwe yuscht was sie braucht, un wann du mir in Schtick Babier gebscht, will ich ettlich Pilverlin prepare-e fer sie; un selli bringe sie raus in wennicher, ass vier un zwansich Schtund.
The Doctor prepared the powders, and directed one to be taken in sugar every two hours, and as he left the room, Annie's mother began to suspect that after all she may have been needlessly alarmed.
Der Dokder hut die Pilverlin prepared un g'ordert eens ei zu gewwe alli zwee Schtund, un wie er zu der Schtupp naus iss, hot der Annie ihre Mudder suspect, ass am End hot sie kee Ursach ghatt, fer unruhich zu sie.

Table 14, Dry Goods
Clerk - How do you do to-day mam. Can I be of any service to you ?
Glarick - Wie machts heit.  Kann ich ebbes duh fer dich?
Lady - I want to see some of your best black silks.
Lady - Ich will emol eier beschter schwarze Seide sehne.
C.  Yes'm. Just please step this way. Here are the best goods ever produced - perfectly faultless.  Here is a piece at a dollar; and here at one and a quarter; this at one dollar sixty and here still better at one eighty.
G.  Ya.  Sei so gut un schtep den Weg;  Do sin die beschti Goods, ass yemols gemacht sin waare, parfect un fehlerfrei.  Do is en schtick an ee Daaler; un dann an eenes un ee Vaertel; en des do ee Daaler un sechzich, un do, als noch besser fer en Daaler un achtzich.
L.  Sure that this is the best?
L.  Schur ass des es bescht iss?
C.  Rely on it, this is the very best that the leading houses of New York and Philadelphia can furnish. There is nothing any where to surpass these goods.
C.  Verloss dich druff, des is es very bescht, ass mir kaafe kann in die leading Heiser in Nei Yorrick odder Philadelphia.  Es sin gaar kee Goods, ass die do beat-e kenne.
L.  It looks well - you are sure its the best?  Mrs. Jenkins has a dress that seemed to me unsurpassed, and I want none below that grade.
L.  Es guckt shee - bischt schur, ass des es bescht iss, ass zu hawwe iss?   Die Mrs. Jenkins hot en Dress, ass mir iwwerdrefflich vorkummt un ich will nix, ass net uff kummt zu ihres.
C.  Why Mrs. Jenkins' dress to which you refer is from this very piece, and you say truly, it is unsurpassed.
C.  Ei der Mrs. Senkins ihre Dress is vun dem very same Schtick, un du huscht recht wann du saagscht ss iss iwwerdrefflich.
L.  Then you have none to beat this, have you?
L.  Demnoch huscht nix, ass des beat-e kann?
C.  Well, let me see, here is a piece of figured goods, equal as to quality and as a matter of taste.  I incline to think it is richer in consequence of the figure.
C.  Well, loss mich sehne - do iss en Schtick, ass gfiggert iss, un es iss yuscht en Frog vun Taste, eb es scheener iss; ich denk die Figur gebt dem ee sheeners aa sei.
L.  What's the price of it?
L.  Was iss der Preis vum dem?
C.  Well, the price of this is two ten - just twenty-five cents per yard more.
C.  Well, der Preis vun dem iss zwee Daaler un zeh Cent—yuscht fimf un zwansich Cent die Yaard mehner.
L.  Its higher priced, then, is it?
L.  Dann iss des do heecher in Preis?
C.  Yes, twenty-five cents higher, and I think it worth fully that much more.
C.  Ya, fimf un zwansich Cent heecher, un ich denk es iss aa vollens so viel meh Waert.
L.  I don't know but that it is, and I think it looks yet richer than Mrs. Jenkins' - don't you think so too?
L.  Ich wees net eb es net so iss, un ich denk es guckt noch reicher, ass der Mrs. Jenkins ihres - denkscht net aa so?
C.  Oh certainly, it's richer and better.
C.  Ya gewiss, es iss reicher un besser.
L.  Well, I'll take - let me see eighteen yards —and you may fill the necessary trimmings, and send it up to No. 945, Quality street. The bill you'll send to my husband, Mr. Swelling at his office, No. 28 Finawe Avenue.
L.  Well, ich nemm - loss mol sehne acht-zehn Yaard, un du maagscht die Trimmings add-e, un schick es nuff zu Nummer nein hunnert un fimf un fartzich (945) Quality Schtross.  Die Bill schickscht zu meim Mann an seiner Affiss, Nummer acht un zwansich (28) Finawe Avenue.

Table 15, Furniture Store
Housekeeper -I want to look at some of your parlor chairs.
Housekeeper - Ich will emol ihr Parlor Schtiel begucke.
Proprietor - Just please follow me - we have a splendid lot and I think I can suit you. Here they are, as you see, a splendid assortment.
Proprietor - Yuscht sei so gut un laaf mit - mir hen ee splendid-i Lot an ich denk ich kann dich suite-e.  Do sin sie, un du sehscht, ass es an fine-i Sortment iss
H.  What's the price of this set, including rocking chair?
H.  Was iss der Preis vun daerre Set, mit em Schockelschtul?
P.  I'll sell you that set at twenty-six dollars - you couldn't select a finer set than that.
P.  Ich verkaaf der selli fer sex un zwansich Daaler - du kannscht naryets kee finer-i Set as selli finne.
H.  And whats the price of these.
H.  Un was iss der Preis vun denne?
P.  They are a little cheaper - twenty-two.
P.  Die sin ee wennich wolfeller - zwee un zwansich.
H.   And these?
H.  Un die?
P.  These are the same price. Now, here is a set, the best we have and you can't get a finer set than this one any where. I'll sell them to you for thirty-four - rocker and stool included.
P.  Die sin der same Preis.  Nau, do iss en Set, die beschti, ass mir hen, un du kannscht naryets kee finer-i Set finne, ass die sin, guck wo du witt.  Selli verkaaf ich fer vier un dreisich, der Rocker un Schtul gehn mit.
H.  Isn't the price rather high?
H.  Iss sell net rather hoch?
P.  It seems high, but not when you come to consider that they are the best you can buy any where, they are not too high.
P.  Es scheint hoch zu sei, awwer wann du considderscht, ass es die beschti sin, ass mir kaafe kann, dann sin sie am End net zu hoch.
H.  If you'll take thirty dollars I'll take them.
H.  Wann du es dreisich Daaler nemscht dann nemm ich sie.
P.  Say thirty-two - split the difference.
P.  Saag zwee un dreisich - schplitt der Difference.
H.  Is that the best you can do?
H. Iss sell es bescht, ass'd du kannscht?
P.  That is the very best I can do. You see the most valuable goods, though in the end the cheapest, do cost more and run into cash, and for that we must keep the figures down as low as possible, and thirty-two dollars is as low as I can make it. The fact is, it cuts off almost the entire profit.
P.  Sell iss es bescht, ass ich du kann.  Du weescht die beschti Goods sin am End die wolfelschti, awwer es iss wohr, sie runneheecher ins Geld, un des iss die Ursach, ass mir die Figurs so weit, ass meiglich drunne halte misse, un zwee un dreisich iss so nidder, ass ich es mache kann.  Die Fact iss es duht der Brofit schier gaar all auswische.
H.  How soon can you send them down.
H.  Wie ball kenscht sie nunnerschicke?
P.  I can send them down inside of an hour.
P.  Ich kann sie nunner schicke inside vun ee Schtund.
H.  Well, I'll take 'em. Just please make me a bill and receipt it. Here's two twenties - forty dollars.
H.  Well, ich nemm sie.  Sei so gut un mach en Bill devun un du sie receipt-e.  Do sin zwee zwansich Daalernoot - vatzich Daaler.
P.  Let's see,  I must give you  eight dollars change—here is five, and one is six, and one is seven and one more makes eight.   Much obliged to you.  Here's the receipt.  I'll have 'em down inside of half an hour.
P.  Loss mol sehne - ich muss der acht Daaler Wexel gewwe - do sin, fimf, un eens macht sex, un eens siwwe, un noch eens acht.  Dank der aa.  Do iss die Receipt.  Ich schick sie nunner inside vun ee halwi Schtund.
H. All right.  Good day.
H.  All recht.  Good bye.
P. Good day.  Call soon again.
P.  Good bye.  Kumm ball widder.

Table 16, Grocery
Grocer - And what can we do for you this time?
Grocer - Un was kenne mir duh fer dich desmol?
Customer - I want two pounds of roasted coffee.
Customer - Ich hett garn zwee Pund gerooschter Kaffi.
G.  What price - here is some for twenty-five, here thirty, and this, the best at thirty-live.
G.  Weller Preis - do iss fer fimf un twansich, do dreisich, un daer do, der bescht, fer fimf un dreisich.
C.  Give me the thirty five.
C.  Geb mir vum fimf un dreisich.
G.  What else?
G.  Was noch?
C.  Three pounds of your ten cent sugar.
C.  Drei Pund zehn Cent Zucker.
G.  And what else?
G.  Un was noch?
C.  Have you any country soap?
C.  Huscht aa heem gemachti Seef?
G.  We have, and of the very best quality.
G.  Ich hab, un vun der aller bescht Quality.
C.  Give me three pounds, and also two boxes of matches, a quart of salt and a half pound of the best green tea.
C.  Geb mir drei Pund,  un aa zwee Box Matches, ee Gwaart Salz un ee halb Pund vum beschte griene Tee.
G.  Anything else today?
G.  Ennichebbes sunscht heit?
C.  Well, let me see, how do you sell these dried peaches?
C.  Well, loss mol sehne, wie verkaafscht die drukni Paersching?
G.  These we sell at ten cents per quart, or thirty-five cents per half peck.
G.  Die verkaafe mir an zeh Cent die Gwaart, odder fer fimf un dreisich Cent die halb Beck.
C.  Sure they are the best?
C.  Schur, ass sie die beschti sin?
G.  I'll insure them to be the very best.
G.  Ich insure-s, ass sie die very beschti sin.
C. Well let me have a half peck.  And coming to think I want about two pounds of cheese, and also a good mackarel and a package of clear starch.
C.  Well loss mich en halb Beck hawwe.  Un nau denk ich draa, ich will aa about zwee Pund Kees un aa en guder Mackrel un ee Pack Schtaerrick.
G.  Nothing else?
G.  Nix sunscht?
C.  I believe that's all. How much does that make?
C.  Ich glaab sell iss alles.  Wieviel macht es?
The grocer foots up and the customer squares the bill and left with a good basket full.
Der Grocer duts uff zehle un der Customer schquared die Account un traveled ab mit seim Karreb voll.

Table 17, The Hotel
Landlord - Well, also in town.  When did you, arrive? Landlord - Well, aa in der Schtadt.  Wann bischt aakumme?
Guest - Just came in.
Goscht - Bin yuscht kumme.
L.  Take a seat - up at the stove.  Fine day.  All well at home?
L.  Nemm ee Sitz - do an der Offe.  Feiner Daag.  Seid ihr all gsund daheem?
L.  We have had remarkably fine weather, considering the time of year.
L.  Mir hen iwwer aus sheenes wedder ghatt, considering die Yaahrzeit.
G.  Yes, the weather is very fine, but we need rain, as the streams are getting low and millers find some difficulty on account of low water.
G. Ya, es Wedder iss arrig fein, awwer mir sette Regge hawwe weil es Wasser aafang es nidder watt, un die Miller finne difficulty wegge em nidder Wasser.
L. Did you come in afoot ?
L. Bischt reigeloffe?
G.  No, I drove as far as the bridge and there I tied the horse and walked across, and so didn't have to pay the toll.
G. Nee, ich bin g'faare so weit, ass an die Brick un dart hab ich der Gaul aagebunne un bin riwwergloffe, un seller Weg hab ich kee Bricke Geld (be)zaale brauche.
The Landlord didn't seem to be very favorably impressed with his bridge dodging customer, and found it convenient to attend to the wants of one who had just arrived with a carpet bag.
Der Watt hot net gscheint arrig favorably impressed zu sei mit seim Bricke dodge customer, un er hot es notwennich gfunne fer zu eem tende, ass yuscht aakumme iss mit em ee Karrebet Bag in der Hand.

Table 18, The Lawyer
Lawyer - Well sir - let me see, Mr. Mack, I believe ? Lawyer - Well, loss mich sehne, ich glaab du bischt der Mr. Mack ?
Client - Yes, Mack is my name.
Client - Ya, Mack iss mei Naame.
L.  You reside up in the valley I believe?
L.  Du wohnscht druwwe in der Valley, net so?
C.  Yes, I have lived there for now nearly ten years, and I just came down today to see you about some business.
C.  Ya, dart hab ich schunn schier zehn Yaahr gwohnt, un ich bin heit yuscht runnerkumme fer zu sehne wegge ee wennich Bisness.
L.  Well,  Mr.  Mack, what's the nature of the business?
L.  Well, Mr. Mack, was iss die Naduur vun der Bisness?
C.  Why its about settling up my father-in-law's estate.
C.  Ei es iss wegge meim Schwiegevadder seiner Eschtate settle.
L.  When did he die?
L.  Wann iss er gschtarwe?
C.  He died week before last.
C.  Die Woch vor der letscht iss er gschtarwe.
L.  Leave much property?
L.  Hot er viel Property hinnerlosse?
C.  Well yes, he left his farm, and some bonds and notes, and a good deal of stock on the farm.
C.  Well ya, er hot sei Bauerei, un Bender, un Notes un aa en ordlich grosser Schtock uff der Bauerei.
L.  And who is going to administer?
L.  Un wer will adminischtr-e?
C.  That's what I want you to see about.
C.  Sell iss ewwe wegge was, ass ich dich sehne will.
L.  Is the widow living?
L.  Lebt die Wittfraa noch?
C.  No, she died two years ago.
L.  Nee, sie iss gschtarwe fer zwee Yaahr.
L.  Your wife is living is she?
L.  Dei Fraa lebt noch, net so?
C.  Yes, she and her sister and one brother -  that's all the family.
C.  Ya, sie duht, un aa ihre Schweschter un Bruder - sell iss die ganz Family.
L.  Has he any debts on his property?
L.  Sin enniche Schulde uff 'm Property ?
C.  Oh, well, he has some debts, but not a great many.
C.  Oh, well, er hot Schulde, awwer net arrig viel.
L.  And you want to administer, I suppose?.
L.  Un ich vermud, ass du selwer adminischtr-e witt?
C.  Well yes, that's try intention, but may be, Sam my brother-in-law thinks he ought to do the same. C.  Well ya, sell iss mei Absicht, awwer der Sam, mei Schweeger will verleicht aa sell duh.
L.  Did you talk to him about it ?
L.  Huscht schunn mit ihm gschwetzt dewegge ?
C. I did, and he said he thought we should both administer.
C. Ich hab, un er hot gemeent mir sette all zwee administere.
L.  Well, Mr. Mack, your best way is in the first place to pay me a retainer of twenty dollars, and that will enable me to act professionally in the matter.
L. Well, Mr. Mack, dei beschter weg iss im erschte Platz mir emol en Retainer vun zwansich  Daaler gewwe, un sell gebt mir denno en Professional recht der mei Rot zu gewwe.
C.  Retainer! - Let's see, that, I suppose, means a lawyer's fee?
C. Retainer! - Loss mol seh, sell meent denk ich, en Lawyer's Fee?
L.  Exactly so.  Being only the first instalment we call it a retainer - to retain me in the case.
L.  Exactly so. Es iss der erscht inschtalment, ass mir en Retainer heese - fer mich im Case retain-e.
C.  Yes, now I understand.  Well, here is twenty dollars. Now, what next ?
C.  Ya, nau verschteh ich es.  Well, do sin die zwansich Daaler.  Nau, was negscht?
L.  Well, from all you have told me, my advice is that you come again and bring Sam, your bro¬ther-in-law with you, and then we'll consult him and proceed to business.
L. Well, vun allem ass du mir saagscht iss mei advice, ass du widder kummscht un bringscht der Sam, dei Schweeger, fer mitnanner consult-e un an die Bisness geh.
C.  Then that's all we can do to-day ?
C.  Dann iss des alles was heit zu duh iss?
L.  That's all.  But you can come again tomorrow, or next day.
L.  Sell iss alles.  Awwer kumm marriye, odder die negscht Daag.
C.  Well yes, say next day.
C.  Well ya, der negscht Daag.
This ended the first professional interview in regard to Mr. Mack's father-in-law's estate.
Sell waar es End vum erschta Professional gschproch wegge em Mr. Mack seim Schweegervadder schier eschtate.