Pennsylvania Dutch Dialect - Nouns
Here some
common nouns to help with your vocabulary. For additional
translations, consult the various grammars and dictionaries available.- People - family
- People - other
- Clothing
- The Body
- The Farm
- Animals/Wildlife
- Outside - Man Made
- Outside - Nature
- Inside - Fixed
- Inside - Loose
- Inside - Kitchen/Food
- Miscellaneous - Things
- Time - Days of the week
- Time - Months
- Time - Seasons
- Local Places
- Verbs as Nouns
- Adjectives as Nouns
- English Loan Words
Singular |
Plural |
English |
der Vadder | Vedder | the father |
der Daadi | -s | the daddy |
der Groossdaadi | -s | the grandfather |
der Onkel | -s | the uncle |
der Bruder | Brieder | the brother |
der Suh | Seh | the son |
der Mann | Menner | the husband |
die Mudder | Midder | the mother |
die Mammi | -s | the mommy |
die Groossmammi | -s | the grandmother |
die Ant | -s | the aunt |
die Schweschder | -e | the sister |
die Dochder | Dechder | the daughter |
die Fraa | Weiwer | the wife |
die Familye | - |
the family |
es Gschwisderkind | the cousin | |
Eldre | the parents | |
Groosseldre | the grandparents | |
Geschwischder | the siblings |
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Singuler | Plural | English |
der Mann | Menner | the man |
der Bu | Buwe | the boy |
der Bo | -s | the boyfriend |
der Tietscher | the teacher (male) | |
der Verkeefer | the salesclerk | |
der Dokder | the doctor | |
der Freind | -e | the friend |
der Nochber | -e | the neighbor |
der Schnickelfritz | the mischievous
child |
die Paerson |
the person | |
die Rutsch |
the child that
wiggles around |
die Tietschern | the teacher (female) | |
es Weibsmensch | Weibsleit | the woman |
es Meedel | Meed | the girl |
es Kind | Kinner | the child |
es Bobbel | Bobblin | the baby |
Leit | the people |
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Singular |
Plural |
English |
der Hut | Hiet | the hat |
der Rock | Reck | the jacket |
der Gaund | Geinder | the dress |
der Schtock | Schteck | the skirt |
der Schtrump | Schtrimp | the sock |
der Schuh | - | the shoes |
der West | - | the blouse |
Kiddel |
light coat |
Hosse | the pants | |
Gleeder | the clothes | |
Unnergleeder | the underwear | |
Unnerhosse | the underpants |
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Singular |
Plural |
English |
der Kopp | Kepp | the head |
der Zaah | Zeeh | the tooth |
der Hals | Hels | the neck |
der Bauch | Beich | the stomach |
der Aarm | -e | the arm |
der Finger | - | the finger |
der Fuuss | Fiess | the foot |
der Zehe | - | the toe |
der Gnoche | - | the bone |
der Karreber | the body | |
die Haar | the hair | |
die Naas | Nees | the nose |
die Zung | -e | the tongue |
die Lipp | -e | the lip |
die Bruscht | Brischt | the chest |
die Hand | Hend | the hand |
die Haut | Heit | the skin |
es Gsicht | -er | the face |
es Aag | Aagge | the eye |
es Ohr | -e | the ear |
es Maul | Meiler | the mouth |
es Bee | the leg | |
es Gnie | - | the knee |
es Blut | the blood |
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Singular |
Plural |
English |
der Bauer | -e | the farmer |
der Scheierhof | -heef | the barnyard |
der Gaul | Geil | the horse |
der Gans | Gens | the goose |
der Gees | - | the goat |
der Haahne | - | the rooster |
die Bauerei | -e | the farm |
die Scheier | Scheire | the barn |
die Kuh | Kieh | the cow |
die Sau | Sei | the pig |
es Schof | - | the sheep |
es Hinkel | - | the chicken |
es Hoi | the hay |
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Singular | Plural | English |
der Hund | -e | the dog |
der Haas | -e | the rabbit |
der Voggel | Veggel | the bird |
der Keffer | - | the bug |
der Warm | Waerm | the worm |
die Katz | -e | the cat |
die Fensemaus | -meis | the chipmunk |
die Iem | -e | the bee |
die Iemens | -e | the ant |
die Mick | -e | the fly |
es Gschwall | -s | the squirrel |
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Singuler |
Plural |
English |
der Hof | Hef | the yard |
der Weg | -e | the road |
der Schtor | -e | the store |
die Schul | the school | |
die Noochberschaft | -e | the neighborhood |
die Brick | -e | the bridge |
die Kaer | -e | the car |
es Haus | Heiser | the house |
es Gebei | -er | the building |
es Faahrraad | -redder | the bicycle |
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Singular | Plural | English |
der Baam | Beem | the tree |
der Rewwer | - | the river |
der Schnee | the snow | |
die Blumm | -e | the flower |
die Grick | -e | the creek |
es Graas | the grass | |
es Umgraut | Umgreider |
the weed |
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Singular | Plural | English |
der Bodde | the floor | |
der Keller | the cellar | |
die Kich | -e | the kitchen |
die Schtubb | -e | the room |
die Baddschtubb | -e | the bathroom |
die Bettschtubb | -uwwe | the bedroom |
die Wand | Wend | the wall |
die Deck | -e | the ceiling |
die Dier | -e | the door |
die Schteeg | -e | the stairs |
die Weschbohl | the washbowl | |
es Fenschder | -e | the window |
es Dach | Decher | the roof |
es Toilet | -s | the toilet |
es Licht | -e | the light |
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Singular |
Plural |
English |
der Schtuhl | Schtiehl | the chair |
der Disch | -e | the table |
der Baadezuwwer | -ziwwer | the bathtub |
der Schpiggel | -e | the mirror |
der Debbich | the bedspread | |
die Uhr | -e | the clock |
es Bild | -er | the picture |
es Hausrot | the furniture | |
es Soofe | the sofa |
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Singular | Plural | English |
der Kochoffe | -effe | the cook stove |
der Leffel | Leffle | the spoon |
der Haffe | Heffe | the cooking pot |
der Abbel | the apple | |
der Budder | the butter | |
der Schunke | Schinke | the ham |
der Kuche | - | the cookie |
der Zucker | the sugar | |
der Sals | the salt | |
die Gawwel | the fork | |
die Millich | the milk | |
die Beer | -e | the pear |
die Grummbeer | -e | the potatoe |
die Supp | the soup | |
es Messer | -e | the knife |
es Esse | the meal, food |
es Wasser | the water |
es Koppche | -r |
the cup |
es Brot | the bread | |
es Welschkann | the corn | |
es Fleesch | the meat | |
es Kiehfleesch | the beef | |
es Mariye-Esse | the breakfast | |
es Middaagesse | the lunch | |
es Nachtesse | the supper | |
gemaeschde Grummbeere | the mashed potatoes |
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Singular |
Plural |
English |
der Acker | - |
the acre |
der Beck | - |
the peck |
der Buschel | - |
the bushel |
der Fuss | the foot | |
der Zoll | - |
the inch |
die Beint | the pint | |
die Gall | the gallon | |
die Gwaart | - |
the quart |
es Dutzed | - |
the dozen |
es Pund | - |
the pound |
es Yaard | the yard |
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Singular |
Plural |
English |
der Ball | -e | the ball |
der Bericht | -e | the report |
der Hutsch | -e | the mess |
der Dreck | the dirt | |
der Gschpass | the fun | |
der Schabernack | the prank | |
der Fatz | Fatze | the fart |
die Arewett | the work | |
die Freede | the delight | |
die Welt | the world | |
die Froog | -e | the question |
es Buch | Bicher | the book |
es Schpielsach | -e | the toy |
es Schtick | -e | the piece |
es Bissli | the little bit | |
es Watt | Wadde | the word |
es Geld | -e | the money |
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Singular | Plural | English |
der Daag | daagge | the day |
die Nacht | Nachde | the night |
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Sunndaag |
Sunday |
Muundaag |
Monday |
Dinschdaag |
Tuesday |
Mittwoch |
Wednesday |
Dunnerschdaag |
Thursday |
Freidaag |
Friday |
Samschdaag |
Saturday |
Yenner |
January |
Hanning |
February |
Maz |
March |
Abrill |
April |
Moi |
May |
(Tschuun) |
June |
(Tschulei) |
July |
Augscht |
August |
September |
September |
Oktower |
October |
Nowember |
November |
Disember |
December |
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Friehyaahr |
spring |
Summer |
summer |
Schpotyaahr |
autumn |
Winder |
winter |
es Backes | the baking |
es Koches | the cooking |
Note - any verb can be used as a noun by adding -s to the infinitive. They are always neuter in gender
Note - verbs can also be used as nouns showing continuous action by using the preposition am. Example, "He likes running." "Er gleicht am Renne". In English, this is called a gerund.
Note - to use a verb to show one (agent) doing the action (example, runner, one who runs), add an -r to the infinitive (example, der Renner). The article gender would represent the gender of the object.
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der Alt |
the old man |
der Gross |
the big one |
Alder |
old man |
Note - an adjective can be used by adding appropriate article and ending to an adjective. As shown above, without a "der word", a gender ending is used.
If an adjective is used as a nouns that follow ebbes or nix, it use -es as the ending.
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Ellentaun |
Allentown |
Baerricks | Berks |
Harrisbarrick | Harrisburg |
Kaundi | county |
Lecha |
Lehigh |
Lange Schwamm |
Long Swamp |
Machedunki |
Mahantongo |
Magunschi |
Macungie |
Pennsilfaani | Pennsylvania |
Sakunk | Saucon |
Unner Mahonay | Lower Mahanoy |
Yorrick | York |
I've only included place names found in the older Pennsylvania German books.
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English Loan Words
Loan words are those from English for which a Pennsylvania Dutch word does not exist. Listen to someone speak Pennsylvania Dutch and you will hear quite a few loan words. Many things have been created since 1900 or so. English has been sprinkled into the dialect since its beginnings, so fear not, you're just continuing the tradition. Whether to render the written words according the Buffington-Barba system or just write them in English is a matter of preference, but I prefer to just use English spelling (es Pietze or es Pizza?).
Note that typically loan words are neuter in gender unless it's obvious. Plurals usually follow the English convention of adding an -s. Dutchified nouns also exist where an English word is combined with a Pennsylvania Dutch prefix or modifier.
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Loan words are those from English for which a Pennsylvania Dutch word does not exist. Listen to someone speak Pennsylvania Dutch and you will hear quite a few loan words. Many things have been created since 1900 or so. English has been sprinkled into the dialect since its beginnings, so fear not, you're just continuing the tradition. Whether to render the written words according the Buffington-Barba system or just write them in English is a matter of preference, but I prefer to just use English spelling (es Pietze or es Pizza?).
Note that typically loan words are neuter in gender unless it's obvious. Plurals usually follow the English convention of adding an -s. Dutchified nouns also exist where an English word is combined with a Pennsylvania Dutch prefix or modifier.