Pennsylvania Dutch Dialect - Examples
Following are examples in the
Pennsylvania German dialect. In each case, they have been
rewritten to conform to the Buffington-Barba style of spelling.
I'm still proofing the final presentations - email if you find any
problems. Pop-up mini dictionaries are planned for those without
translations.- Boonastiel - Thanksgiving by T.H. Harter, 1928
- Das Battalye, by Daniel Miller, 1903
- Die Hoffning, by Thomas R Brendle
- The Old Professor (partial index only), by Professor Haag
- Jolly Old Saint Nicholas, by Florence Baver, 1957
- Rauch's Handbook, Practical Exercises, by E.H. Rauch, 1879
- Rauch's Handbook, The Use of Words, by E.H. Rauch, 1879
The following is not really written in the dialect, but is an interesting example of the writing style of a house carpenter from Schuylkill County writing a friendly letter to his brother after the Civil War about life in Ohio.
Henry Smith Letter, by Henry S. Smith, 1870's